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-   -   Quilt I needed help on...Thanks Amma! (https://www.quiltingboard.com/pictures-f5/quilt-i-needed-help-thanks-amma-t24383.html)

tlrnhi 08-21-2009 09:52 PM

Thanks Omak!
The "oohs and ahhs" were alot!
People touching and just admiring it.
One lady asked me how I got the patches inside the other patches. lol
That's a question I have heard asked all the time. When you explain to them that it's just straight sewing, then they raise the eyebrow. Then by showing them, they understand.
I might have a couple others that I might be asked to make, but will make sure the deadline is not 4 days away!
One lady asked where I got the backing fabric. I told her and then said...sorry, I bought all of it and there is no more. She wasn't happy with that answer. Oh well........

omak 08-21-2009 10:04 PM

Grand that everyone was impressed - - as well they should be!
Bummer that someone had to find something to be unhappy about! (but, I am glad that you bought all you found, because that was some grand fabric!) I am learning to do the same thing ... if I like it, it is gone ... but, I am going to quit shopping - - soon <g>.
Would it be rude if I asked you how big each square was in the pattern? Just the white part you showed ... don't want much do I?
Are you going to be doing the mini mystery?

Harmony 08-21-2009 10:09 PM

I like! You can't go wrong with red, white & blue! Very cute fabrics!

tlrnhi 08-21-2009 10:14 PM

I think Amma said the blocks were to come out 15 1/2 x 15 1/2, but mine are 15 inches.
I then put the first border on that measures an inch finished.
The 2d border is 3 1/2 inches finished and the last border I cut at 6 inches.
The blocks are the 2 pieces of fabric (2 of each color), put together and then you make 4 of those to make ONE big block. Confused yet?

The lady wasn't really all that mad. She just liked the rolling hills fabric as much as I did. lol
I have learned that when I find fabric I REALLY, REALLY like, I buy all of it because if I don't, it's never there when I go back.

Harmony, Jane (CO's wife) LOVES Americana. I just thought that this was great fabric and not "over the top" Americana like you see with the flag fabric and all. I'll tell you...it was hard to give that quilt up!

omak 08-21-2009 10:25 PM

okay <g> I am going to have to wait for Amma's tutorial, cuz I was getting a 4x4 block ... so I am probably dividing the block down too small - - must have something to do with my control issues or something <g>. If I happen to think of it tomorrow, I will take a picture of my "drawing" and upload it just to show you how I interpreted what I was seeing <g>.
OH, I am glad she wasn't really miserable. It really was a compliment then, that she wanted to buy some of it, too! that's good <g>
Isn't it interesting how passing certain quilts are hard to do? I have only had one that impacted me like that ... I bought fabric to duplicate it, but I will probably never make it. Just saw it in another setting and liked that too! LOL
ahhh, such is quilting life, I guess.

tlrnhi 08-21-2009 10:29 PM

Yes, sometimes trying to figure it all out, gets confusing.

Yes, she wanted some to make some cushions or something she said. I told her to go to Ben Franklins and look around, she might find something else she likes. I think she's new to the island, so she didn't know where to get fabric. She knew about one place that is expensive and sells mainly Hawaiian prints, but not about BF.

omak 08-21-2009 10:35 PM

Originally Posted by tlrnhi
Yes, sometimes trying to figure it all out, gets confusing.

Yes, she wanted some to make some cushions or something she said. I told her to go to Ben Franklins and look around, she might find something else she likes. I think she's new to the island, so she didn't know where to get fabric. She knew about one place that is expensive and sells mainly Hawaiian prints, but not about BF.

Get this! When I saw that fabric, my FIRST thought was "That looks like fabric Ben Franklin would carry!" ... and, lo and behold.
I have found some pretty amazing Americana fabric at that store. Unfortunately, I don't go east often enough to get to see it often enough.
I am almost betting that your fabric is designed by the same person/company that designed my last favorite patriotic fabric - - showed kids saluting the flag and in little panels doing different patriotic sayings. Know what you mean about fabric that too closely resembles our flag ... many veterans and soldiers won't use them out of respect if there is too much FLAG ...
Red, white, and blue is one thing ... FLAG ... that is different.

tlrnhi 08-21-2009 10:37 PM

This is what it says on the salvege..
Leslie Beck for VIP by Cranston
So, it's Cranston Village.........

and of course,,,,,cannot find it online

omak 08-21-2009 10:47 PM

I do not recall the name of the designer, but yes ... Cranston was the producer (?) ... interesting what things one remembers <g>.
I'm sure I never saw that fabric, but if I ever run across what I bought earlier, I will upload the sample and show you why it reminded me of that fabric ... it has to do with the shading of colors ... some things always have a distinct feel ... so interesting.

tlrnhi 08-21-2009 11:17 PM

I love some of Cranston's fabrics. Especially the florals

MsSage 08-22-2009 01:42 AM

Great job. I love the fabrics they are not as you said over the top.
I will look for why you only had a couple days to make this.....
geee see what happens when you cant spend alot of time here...oh well
AWESOME job as always :D

tlrnhi 08-22-2009 02:41 AM

MsSage....our CO is leaving, so the ward room (officers) asked my hubby if I could make a quilt. They had him call me and give them a price. I told them $100 plus the cost of materials. I started it Wed, they wanted it today (Sat) then said, Mon/Tues would be good. Then Friday night, hubs comes home and says....oh, they want it for tomorrow. UGH! So, needless to say, I got it done.
I won't do another with a timeframe like that, but I really like the CO's wife, she's a riot, and since it was mainly for her, I agreed.

sandpat 08-22-2009 04:09 AM

Terri...I love the back and thats a great label that you do! I read through to catch up and then saw what you sold it for...girl, you need to be horse whipped!!! That is WAY to cheap for a wonderful quilt like that! But, I guess for a friend like that, I think maybe I can see, but still......waaahhhhhh...to give up that one...for that price....... :cry: :cry:

CajunQuilter2 08-22-2009 04:13 AM

Oh wow terri, it came out wonderful. Love the rolling hills, works perfect with the front. Awesome label.

You rock!!

tlrnhi 08-22-2009 04:15 AM

Originally Posted by sandpat
Terri...I love the back and thats a great label that you do! I read through to catch up and then saw what you sold it for...girl, you need to be horse whipped!!! That is WAY to cheap for a wonderful quilt like that! But, I guess for a friend like that, I think maybe I can see, but still......waaahhhhhh...to give up that one...for that price....... :cry: :cry:

Thanks Patti
I know, it was for a good cause. I felt bad charging because all they really had to do was ask me and I would have done it for free lol
Like I said, I really like Jane, she's a great lady and she does so much for the community where ever she's at.
I enjoyed making it and my hand sewing for the binding is coming out better and better! :) :) You could hardly see any of the stitches!

tlrnhi 08-22-2009 04:17 AM

Originally Posted by CajunQuilter2
Oh wow terri, it came out wonderful. Love the rolling hills, works perfect with the front. Awesome label.

You rock!!

Thanks Cajun. I just love that fabric. I'm going to keep a lookout for it and if I do find more, you can bet your bippy (whatever a bippy is) I'm going to buy all of it again! lol
The label is just from my machine. It has the design, actually 3 of them so you can put the initials in the middle. Sometimes I switch out the design and will use one of the others, but the one I used is my favorite.

omak 08-22-2009 06:03 AM

>I< know what a "bippy" is <g> ... 8)

sharon b 08-22-2009 09:50 AM

Terri It is wonderful ! I understand why she was thrilled, who wouldn't be :lol:

Shemjo 08-22-2009 10:17 AM

I am so glad that the quilt was well received! And thanks for the story behind it! My computer has been acting up and I am on a borrowed one, so have less time to catch up! I DID vote for thje rolling hills fabric. Will have to check at the BF to see if they have any of that fabric. Mine only sells flats. :lol:

sewjoyce 08-22-2009 03:52 PM

Terri, that quilt is just awesome! Can't believe you got it done in such a short time and with your husband still breathing!

You did a marvelous job! :D

estherblair 08-22-2009 03:56 PM

WOW<WOW<WOW>.......................... :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

nursie76 08-22-2009 05:27 PM

Terri, Awesome job! That is such a wonderful quilt! I understand what you mean about the fabric not being over the top. I am patriotic, but do have a problem "wearing" the flag, on a tee shirt okay, but not something that looks like it was made out of a flag.

Anyway, you are sooooo talented.

I must have missed it, but could you tell me the name of the pattern?

tlrnhi 08-22-2009 05:59 PM

Originally Posted by nursie76
Terri, Awesome job! That is such a wonderful quilt! I understand what you mean about the fabric not being over the top. I am patriotic, but do have a problem "wearing" the flag, on a tee shirt okay, but not something that looks like it was made out of a flag.

Anyway, you are sooooo talented.

I must have missed it, but could you tell me the name of the pattern?

Thanks everyone. You are all making me blush!

Nursie...I have no clue what the name of the pattern is....you'll have to ask Amma. It's her pattern. You can find it in MAIN, she posted it in a thread. Just download it from there!

tlrnhi 08-22-2009 06:00 PM

Originally Posted by Shemjo
I am so glad that the quilt was well received! And thanks for the story behind it! My computer has been acting up and I am on a borrowed one, so have less time to catch up! I DID vote for thje rolling hills fabric. Will have to check at the BF to see if they have any of that fabric. Mine only sells flats. :lol:

This was flat, not on a bolt. Most of the fabric they have on bolts, they put on themselves, just so they can have more room to show the fabric.

PurplePassion 08-22-2009 07:06 PM

Terry, that is a beautiful quilt. You did a great job. Love the rolling hills fabric.

Celeste 08-22-2009 08:43 PM


tlrnhi 08-22-2009 11:06 PM

Thanks ladies!
But the credit for the pattern is Amma. She designed a great one...easy to put together!

amma 08-23-2009 09:58 AM

The pattern for this quilt is now in the Tutorial section...it was moved there recently :wink:

pal 08-23-2009 10:35 AM

Hi Terri, your quilt gives me the warm fuzzies for so many reasons.

You asked a friend for help - and she helped you - Amma

You consulted your friends on the Quilting Board for opinions as to which fabric they thought would look good as the backing, and they came through for you.

Your husband considers your work worthy of presenting it to one of his fellow officers.

Your husband unknowingly put you on the spot -time wise - yet knew that you would come through for him.

What a support system you have!!!!

Your quilt is beautiful - and was appreciated not only by those who
received it, but by your peers.

How much better could it get?

butterflywing 08-23-2009 10:37 AM

thank you amma!YAY!!!!

i love this pattern. the best part is the versatility of size. with this it's sooooo easy. where did you find it? it looks like thequiltlibrabry format.
is it?

amma 08-23-2009 10:39 AM

No, I was playing on EQ...I wanted a fast simple design....with as few matching seams as possible LMBO I like perfect matching seams and still struggle with them... It was a total accident that I found by turning the pieces around you can get many different designs. I added another post showing these in the Main section, although it may get placed in the Tutorial section, too....

tlrnhi 08-23-2009 03:19 PM

Aw....Thanks Pal!!
That's what is so great about this board. Everyone helps everyone out. Can't ask for a better support system.

ania755 08-23-2009 03:36 PM

Great job!!!
The cat looks like he is going to use it a lot!!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

tlrnhi 08-23-2009 03:43 PM

Ok, now ya'll have to make one!
I want to see ALL of them done by Wed and I'll give you Wed East Coast time because it's already Monday here!
Ready, Set,,,,,,GO!!!

ania755 08-23-2009 03:47 PM

He he he....
Funny girl....
Do you remember where I sit? :lol: :lol: :lol:

tlrnhi 08-23-2009 04:04 PM

Come on now....get started!
I'm counting on EVERYONE! :) :)

sewjoyce 08-23-2009 04:42 PM

Originally Posted by tlrnhi
Come on now....get started!
I'm counting on EVERYONE! :) :)

Don't hold your breath sweetie :twisted:

tlrnhi 08-23-2009 07:32 PM

Originally Posted by sewjoyce

Originally Posted by tlrnhi
Come on now....get started!
I'm counting on EVERYONE! :) :)

Don't hold your breath sweetie :twisted:

Hey! I'm starting to turn blue here!!

Jim's Gem 08-23-2009 07:51 PM

It turned out beautiful Terri!!!! Glad you got it done in time. So great that they really loved it!.

I got mine done in time, barely, too. I thew it in the washer, short time, then dryer and pulled from dryer, threw in gift bag and ran out the door.

tlrnhi 08-23-2009 08:27 PM

I folded this one just right and put it in one of my totes. So, she actually got an extra gift too! lol

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