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trupeach 12-28-2009 09:27 AM

Originally Posted by Leota

Originally Posted by kwhite
Exactly Sandpat. PLEASE post a mote here at least that you received the gift/card.

watch out for the crocs or gaters :D

sorry K.... just had to tease about the mote

Where's the mote?????????? Maybe that is where Patti is getting all her frogs from. :shock:

trupeach 12-28-2009 09:34 AM

Now I am very confused, which doesn't take much. My SQA has sent me a few pressies the introduction note was typed however before I got that note I received one handwritten saying SQA. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO who is the SQA that was assigned to me by Kwhite???????????? Today I received a beautiful card. When it is opened there is a hanging basket of flowers. The card was handwritten. Thank you whoever your are the card is BEAUTIFUL. I am wondering if I have one sneaky SQA or if there are others pretending to be my SQA especially since their were several people who posted they were my angel. What confusion. :shock: :shock:

sewjoyce 12-28-2009 09:52 AM

Originally Posted by trupeach
Now I am very confused, which doesn't take much. My SQA has sent me a few pressies the introduction note was typed however before I got that note I received one handwritten saying SQA. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO who is the SQA that was assigned to me by Kwhite???????????? Today I received a beautiful card. When it is opened there is a hanging basket of flowers. The card was handwritten. Thank you whoever your are the card is BEAUTIFUL. I am wondering if I have one sneaky SQA or if there are others pretending to be my SQA especially since their were several people who posted they were my angel. What confusion. :shock: :shock:

Keeps you guessing, huh? (hehe)

Leota 12-28-2009 10:18 AM

Trupeach .... you'lll never know mwaahhahaaahh :twisted: it's a secret :D

Redgo243 12-28-2009 10:44 AM

Thanks Sandpat. I hope it does heal fast too. I haven't been able to sew since June. I broke my humaras on June 3. Believe me there was nothing humaras about it. It has been a long dry spell. I love looking at what everyone has done. But it does make me sad tooo.
Thanks again Secret Angel.

trupeach 12-28-2009 11:20 AM

keep teasing me sewjoyce and leota that is why i love you both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kwhite 12-28-2009 11:27 AM

Mote. That is what I get for posting before coffee and without my glasses. HAHA

sewjoyce 12-28-2009 11:32 AM

Originally Posted by kwhite
Mote. That is what I get for posting before coffee and without my glasses. HAHA

Well, at least "Mote" is a word and it's not on the Board's list of nasty ones -- so, hey, you did pretty good!! :D :lol:

trupeach 12-28-2009 11:42 AM

Originally Posted by kwhite
Mote. That is what I get for posting before coffee and without my glasses. HAHA

I am sure most people on other forums would have just let the misspelled word slide and have not said a thing. But you are not on another forum you are here and we will take any chance we get to tease someone else. :lol: :lol: :lol:

NiceNCLady 12-28-2009 02:55 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I received a gift from my Secret Angel. A pocket calendar so I can keep up with myself, a funny card that made me laugh out loud and a beautiful fat quarter. I have the best Angel!!!!

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