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CajunQuilter2 12-28-2009 03:32 PM

Originally Posted by sewnsewer2

Originally Posted by NorBanaquilts
To my Angel: I opened the chocolate orange yesterday when everyone was here for Christmas Eve and now EVERYONE wants their own. The peanut brittle was an even bigger hit, now they think I should make more brittle and find where to buy the chocolate. Thank you again for such wonderful gifts

I think WalMart may have those oranges, I know I've seen them someplace.

I have 3 of them, they are my most favorite of alll, and I threaten DH if he touches them
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

laparshall 12-28-2009 03:41 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Dear Secret Quilt Angel: Thank you for yet another hand made card that when opened reveals a place to keep my important numbers. The back has magnets so it will be very handy attached to my fridge. Great idea, beautiful card. Thank you for your thoughtfulness.




Ninnie 12-28-2009 04:06 PM

WOW!! all the gifts are just fantastic!

SulaBug 12-28-2009 04:09 PM

This is so exciting!! :D Everyone is getting such great surprises in the mail. We are going to have a fun year, this year!! Keep sharing everyone, it's so nice to see what all has been sent to everyone!!
:D :D :D :D

Knot Sew 12-28-2009 04:36 PM

I can remember my son getting a choclate orange in grade school for a gift. He is now 45., so ny has had them a long time. They have several flavors now days :thumbup:

sandpat 12-28-2009 04:45 PM

Originally Posted by sewjoyce

Originally Posted by kwhite
Mote. That is what I get for posting before coffee and without my glasses. HAHA

Well, at least "Mote" is a word and it's not on the Board's list of nasty ones -- so, hey, you did pretty good!! :D :lol:

WAIT!!! Ya'll actually let this slip by????? The Board has a list of nasty words???????? Oh no....I bet I've used them all!...I'll plead posting without my glasses, yes, thats what I'll say...it works for kwhite!!


And tru....frogs from the mote? I dunno....I'll ask the cat where she is dragging them up from. :wink:

gramqlts 12-28-2009 05:40 PM

I got a box in the mail from my Secret Angel. It evidently came on Christmas Eve but due to the death in our family and funeral, house guests, tons of family and friends in from all over, etc....did not check my mail box til Sunday afternoon after the last of them left. I was so thrilled. I got a Xmas card, beautiful silver book mark with angel on it in a emerald green stained glass gown, bundle of fabrics with pattern too and a Days of Tips & Inspiration for
quilters calendar for 2010. Love, love, love it all. Thank you angel who ever you are. Definitely cheered me up which nothing has since the 22nd, day my great nephew passed away unexpectedly. Love you all and a belated Merry Christmas. Sandy

sandpat 12-29-2009 06:00 AM

gram...I'm so sorry about your nephew...so sad...but happy you got a box to cheer you..sounds like a nice one too!

Darlene loves Chocolates 12-29-2009 07:11 AM

Dearest Sandy, God Bless you.

Originally Posted by gramqlts
I got a box in the mail from my Secret Angel. It evidently came on Christmas Eve but due to the death in our family and funeral, house guests, tons of family and friends in from all over, etc....did not check my mail box til Sunday afternoon after the last of them left. I was so thrilled. I got a Xmas card, beautiful silver book mark with angel on it in a emerald green stained glass gown, bundle of fabrics with pattern too and a Days of Tips & Inspiration for
quilters calendar for 2010. Love, love, love it all. Thank you angel who ever you are. Definitely cheered me up which nothing has since the 22nd, day my great nephew passed away unexpectedly. Love you all and a belated Merry Christmas. Sandy

laparshall 12-29-2009 07:32 AM

Sandy: I am so sorry to hear your sad news. You and your family will be in my thoughts.

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