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Leota 12-29-2009 08:05 AM

May God be with you during this time of loss. May He bring comfort to you each day.

wvdek 12-29-2009 08:09 PM


Just read about your nephew. I'm sorry.

What a blessing to have your SQA and her gift to arrive just in time.

Godincidence I'd say.

barbsbus 12-29-2009 09:12 PM

Boy my SQA is really busy sending very nice cards. Got another one for our anniversary. We celebrated our 52nd quietly with a New York steak dinner, sexy mushrooms and fancy backed potato at home and DH put some romantic music on the XM radio and I lite a candle for the dinner table and turned the lights out. DH didn't know I had a candle going since he cannot see and used to have a little fit if I turned off the lights and lite candles when he could see a little bit. Guess I can make lemonaide every once in a while. LOL. I really get by a lot, I will be in a real bad way if he ever regains his sight, if ever he saw my sewing room. OH MY!!!! I really have to get it organized again. I am waiting to do it some day when he goes some place with one of his buddies hopefully for several days and leave me a car so I can disperse some of the room's contents.
Anyway thanks SQA who ever you are, I really appreciate the cards.

ckcowl 12-30-2009 05:52 AM

sewjoyce, i have a question...hope you will see it here,
i read somewhere that you "love to hand quilt pre-printed panels....
i really want to practice some hand quilting and thought this would be more manageable than a quilt...
my question is about the panels
do you use any panels (like with scenes ect. printed in colors) or do you mean the whole cloth quilt panels that are available that have stitching lines printed on them?
my lqs sell a few of these, they are BIG and kind of expensive...
anyway...what do you quilt on?

sandpat 12-30-2009 05:52 AM

Wow Barb...Happy Anniversary!!!

sewjoyce 12-30-2009 07:30 AM

Originally Posted by ckcowl
sewjoyce, i have a question...hope you will see it here,
i read somewhere that you "love to hand quilt pre-printed panels....
i really want to practice some hand quilting and thought this would be more manageable than a quilt...
my question is about the panels
do you use any panels (like with scenes ect. printed in colors) or do you mean the whole cloth quilt panels that are available that have stitching lines printed on them?
my lqs sell a few of these, they are BIG and kind of expensive...
anyway...what do you quilt on?

Actually, I've done both -- the preprinted panels as well as the smaller whole cloth that only shows stitching when you get finished and it's laundered. Both are fun. You can buy the small mini (about 16 1/2" square) wholecloth quilts on line from The Stencil Company -- in fact they're having a SALE right now. And they have excellent service.

There are lots of places on line that sell the preprinted (or cheater) panels. I've bought several from Fabric.com and have been pleased with them and they have excellent service as well.

The cheater panels have taught me how much stitching and where it should go while the wholecloth mini quilts have helped me learn to keep my stitches even and small. Hope this helps :D

crkathleen 12-30-2009 12:36 PM

3 Attachment(s)
I received some beautiful embroidered handiwork from my Secret Angel. Thank you sooooo much!!!

crkathleen 12-30-2009 12:37 PM

1 Attachment(s)
one more!

montanaquilter 12-30-2009 01:46 PM

those are great! you have a very nice SQA!!

aussie croydon 12-30-2009 01:47 PM

They are just beautiful gifts. Your secret angel is very talented

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