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Catlady 02-24-2010 02:57 PM

Originally Posted by dojo36

Originally Posted by sharon b
I got both emails and Happy to report I don't have to respond to either of them :thumbup:

ditto from here

ditto from me too.

Ninnie 02-24-2010 03:36 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I received another squishie from my SQA today :shock: :shock:
remember the beautiful flowered FQ she sent me for valentines day? Well , today she sent me a whole yard :-D and a beautiful FQ that goes with it. DH came in and I said look what I got today, and he said that's pretty, what are you going to make with it? and I said what do you mean? and he said, you know how are you going to cut it up? :shock: :shock: :shock: I can't cut it up!!! It is just to pretty!!!! I will just keep it and look at it, and stroke it :-D :-D :-D
It is so beautiful!! and I know that someday the right idea will come to me, and how to use it, but not for a while,. for now I just want to enjoy owning it! :lol: :lol: :lol: From the bottom of my heart, thank you SQA!!! I have the best SQA! :-D :-D Ok, back to stroking my beautiful gift! :-D

My Beautiful Material from SQA

Beautiful FQ

Chrickett 02-24-2010 03:45 PM

K. White i received both of your e mail's,

Elisabrat 02-24-2010 04:44 PM

Once when I was young I snuck a peek at a Christmas gift my sister had gotten for my little sis and I. She had warned me NOT TO PEEK. Oh about 6 or 7, I had to sorta peek you know, untape, check it out no one will know. Uh she knew and took the tags off the two gifts and put my tag on my lil sisters gift. I had loved my pink strawberry teddy bear. She said if I opened the other one I would get nothing. I did NOT touch it. It was a cute bear, brown, regular bear.. and I had lost the pink one :( NEVER again did I peak at a gift. Oh hell no. I forgot so many things in this busy life of mine but this peeking thing.. never. So.. no peeking. Someone might take your special gift away. Its better to wait. Trust me! I love my gifts, my angel is incredibly thoughtful and totally picked gifts for ME, she thought of me, (or he), and shopped as if they had my hand in theirs.. we are all so lucky. What a treat this whole experience has been and will continue to be.

tlrnhi 02-24-2010 06:29 PM

Such pretty pretties!!

chewboo 02-24-2010 06:41 PM

ive read some of the postings saying they would post pics later and i havent seen the pics

i am waiting and not patiencely waiting

sewnsewer2 02-24-2010 07:16 PM

Originally Posted by chewboo
ive read some of the postings saying they would post pics later and i havent seen the pics

i am waiting and not patiencely waiting

Me too! Where's the pics?

Oklahoma Lightning 02-24-2010 07:35 PM

I have started a new job with the Census people and I am in training. I have called my doctors office three days in a roll and ask if I can come into after hours to get a test run or could they call in something. So, tomorrow I will show up at a branch of the clinic ( I pass it on the way to work) and tell them to do the darn test and fax a copy to my Dr. I can't miss training and after the new last week that they had not stopped my husband cancer. I need this job. I am adjusting to the new and working sames to be helping. I will probably end up going to work full time permanently. His retirement is so low if they cut it in half, I can't keep running the farm. But if I go to work, I can still raise my turkeys. I just need four years to get them off the ground stage.
We did a five year plan when we started, planning on both of us to do it. If we can hold the cancer off a while we might make it without me working full time.
He talking about going back to work while he feel good. They say they might slow it for maybe 3 to 4 years. I am not sure I want him to add the stress of working to his body. He hoping if he works for two years it would build it enough to help.
I have a package setting here to mail as soon as I get to the PO.
I only get on line every other night so will hop back on this weekend. They are saying more snow here tomorrow night. If it has to snow several inches please so I can stay home a sleep.
I am so ready for spring.
I know I still owe some picture but haven't set on my son hard enough to get him over here. He twice my size and at 6 foot 2, it a hard job. My 5 foot 5 look tiny next to him. It ruff when you have to broke your neck to look up at your baby.
I am doing my homework and heading for bed.

sandpat 02-24-2010 07:58 PM

Such great angel gifts! I like the idea of sending a bigger package, but actually I think its pretty cool to get more frequent mail...even if its just a little card and not a big package.

As for the pics...I'm not patient either, but for some...they have to have some help getting it done and the weather has been really really terrible in lots of places. It has slowed down alot of stuff I think. COME ON SPRING!!!!

SaraSewing 02-24-2010 07:58 PM

Originally Posted by Elisabrat
More pics and the darned packages I can't open yet too!

I know I'd peek. So fuzzy angel, don't do that to me because I don't do well with secrets!

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