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mjsylvstr 03-27-2010 09:18 AM


it's a tough job and you are handling it like a real trooper......

We all do appreciate you and if someone gets a bit upset, it must be their bad-day..we all have them.

Sorry about that interview but it just wasn't your job.....yours is out there somewhere and it will find you soon.....

..been away for a few days and been sitting here reading all the posts.....wow....such goodies

Have a good day......Maryjane

trupeach 03-27-2010 09:49 AM

Originally Posted by sandpat
Peachy...are you getting other email alerts from the board???

I am not getting anything at all from the board, even now that I changed name and e-mail I am STILL not getting anything from the board to the new e-mail either.
Admin said I put in a spam alert for anything from the board to my e-mail, I don't see how that happened I am lucky I know how to get here and go shopping let alone anything else. Even if that happened why I am not getting any e-mails to the new e-mail addy???

Ybridgegal 03-27-2010 10:05 AM

Ok...I won't to grump about my brain deadness....I still can't figure out how to get pics from the camera to move on.

But I really want to Thank my Angel for the fantastically gorgeous batik FQ's. Guess she is a mind reader too cause she sent a pattern for a new wallet too. And ALL RIGHT the MMMMM's were for breakfast even tho I was sick to my stomach.


Knot Sew 03-27-2010 11:35 AM

This is for my dear angel...I am very sorry if you think I was mean spirited and a complainer... I have had a lot of troubles in my life lately and was just looking forward to much, to this "swap". Please do not feel obligated to send me things a card now and then will make me very happy. Sorry if I made you feel bad. I will not be posting here anymore unless its necessary.

redquilter 03-27-2010 12:37 PM

Oh my goodness! My Angel is such a doll. During the week I posted that she sent me an adorable fabric post card. Well today I received a book from her on how to make them! I'm so excited! Now I don't have to try and figure it out myself! (whew!) She also sent the latest issue of Quilting Arts which is chock full of beautiful/interesting things. AND 2 fabulous soy jar candles. I was just at someone's house and she had candles from the same company (Beanpod Candles)and they burn so nicely and really hold their frangrance. Some others lose them right away. Which, by the way, the 2 frangrances she sent, Earthly Embrace and Fresh Linen, are just delicious. Haven't burned either one yet, but I will! Will get my daughter's camera this week and take a pic of this wonderful gift and the previous gift. Thank you so very much my angel friend. You are priceless! Love you.

OdessaQuilts 03-27-2010 01:13 PM

I got a squishie! I got a squishie! My SQA sent me an envelope that arrived yesterday .... :-)

The envelope is COVERED with easter bunny and easter egg stickers :-)

But the back says "DON'T OPEN UNTIL EASTER" !! :-(


Well, I waited 13 extra days for my first child to arrive, I suppose I can wait another week or so to open this package ... as long as it sits quietly on the hutch in the dining room and doesn't taunt me too hard I will be okay.

I guess I'll bury myself in sewing blocks for the Boomerang swap. That should keep me busy!


karielt 03-27-2010 02:34 PM

1 Attachment(s)
In the mist of darken days
An angel seems to fine her way
To bring the warmth of giving light
To make the day a sunny bright
So angel friend, and gift divine
Bless you for touching a soul like mine

Thank you Ethel my Angel

dojo36 03-27-2010 03:04 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Dear SQA:

I got a package just couple hours ago. thank you so much, a nice sweet card for Easter of course, then in first picture a whole big stack of fat quarters that are wonderful colors, a package of Hershey's miniatures candies, (how did you know that's what i buy all the time -absolutely my favorites), 2 darling pot holders, and the 2nd picture is a close up of the cutest fat quarter i've ever seen, a rear view of a fat lady (which kinda looks like me from the back), so funny - and it says "Love those fat quarters". hey whoever you are, thank you so much. i just hope my angelee likes what i send her as much as i like and appreciate what you send me.

sandpat 03-27-2010 03:34 PM

What cute cute packages! I DO love those fat quarters!! :lol: :lol:

chewboo 03-27-2010 03:48 PM

2 Attachment(s)
ok ok ok my angel is a wonderful angel oh yes yes yes i got a bow in the mail today and above my address was happy birthday
she is a sweet heart i got a 1/8 yard pack of fabric--sip of summer, two spools of thread---lime and sunshine now for the book it is a stack and whack book and a stack and whack fan ruler

guess i should post the pictures now



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