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OdessaQuilts 03-31-2010 09:18 PM

Barb, good to know your son is okay. Lucky young man. I work for Attorneys who do primarily accident/injury representation. He needs to make sure he is completely fine. Have a head-to-toe check; some injuries will show up later.

KWhite, you're awesome. Thanks for making this fun for one and all. As for the private e-mail thingy, there are a lot of free e-mail carriers (yahoo, hotmail, etc.) that you can register for. And most carriers allow you to have more than one account/name. I assume that these clever Angels are setting up a separate account so they can "converse" with their Angelees. Very, very cool!

Oklahoma Lightning, don't worry ... once you get it, you'll be posting photos willy-nilly! It's like hand applique: there is a learning curve to it. Don't fret and all will be well.

To my Angelee: I've sent you a package, but I don't know if it will arrive before Easter. So if you don't have something from me before Easter, wait a day or two and it will get there. Promise.

Lovely gifties, ladies. You're all doing a spectacular job!


sewred 04-01-2010 03:42 AM

Barb it just goes to show that He has a plan for your son and you have raised a wonderful son! You must be an amazing mother!

Gramakitten 04-01-2010 04:52 AM

Well ladies Easter is almost here. My angel will get her package before I hope.

Had a wonderful time with my grand daughter. Went to the movies last night. Off to the lqs today for sit and sew. I hope my angel and angelee have a great holiday.

Thanks to KWhite, everyone should now have a good time with the ANGELS. Love to all of you.

Esqmommy 04-01-2010 06:25 AM

1 Attachment(s)
My angel is so sweet - I just got this little surprise in the mailbox yesterday - looks like I'm making a new bag!!!

thank you Angel, you are so, so good to me!!

Grama Lehr 04-01-2010 06:31 AM

Barbara, I'm so sorry to hear about your son's near miss. Please tell him to be cautions the next few days, sometimes those kind of injuries don't show up for awhile. I'm sure that your Angel will understand. :thumbup:

Grama Lehr 04-01-2010 06:45 AM

Originally Posted by letsquilt
Oh my !!! Kwhite is letting me play also,my Angelee will be recieving her Easter Basket soon. It is on it's way

What a beautiful quilt!! I love the colors!!
Welcome aboard, you will have a BLAST!! :mrgreen:

laparshall 04-01-2010 12:38 PM

Gee, I wasn't getting notices again for a few days. I don't understand why this keeps happening. Does anyone else have an explanation for it.

In the meantime there have been many nice gifts received. I am enjoying my Stained Glass Quilt sun catcher, it is just beautiful.

trupeach1 04-01-2010 12:40 PM

Originally Posted by laparshall
Gee, I wasn't getting notices again for a few days. I don't understand why this keeps happening. Does anyone else have an explanation for it.

In the meantime there are been many nice gifts received. I am enjoying my Stained Glass Quilt sun catcher, it is just beautiful.

I haven't received any notices for anything in about a week. I PMd Admin and was told it had something to do with me filing a spam complaint which I don't understand I never filed anything I don't know how.

laparshall 04-01-2010 12:43 PM

That happened to me before too, I had to change to a different e-mail account. But I continued getting my notices once I did. This happens every once in a while, where I stop getting notices for some threads but still get them for others. Then it occurs to me that I haven't seen anything from a thread in awhile, and then I go check it out. Once I add a post to it, I will start receiving them again. It is a little frustrating.

Nancy in Louisiana 04-01-2010 01:05 PM

Happens to me to. I've gotten into the habit if bookmarking all the sites I'm interested and review them periodically to make sure I'm up to date. If not, then I add a post and that gets me back on the notification for awhile.

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