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montanaquilter 01-07-2010 07:51 AM

getting ready to send my SQA a valentines gift. i love valentine's!! especially all the chocolate selections. Haven't gotten anything from my SQA yet but i am hoping that i will soon!! I just love everyone's gifts that they've received so far

Chrickett 01-07-2010 07:54 AM

you are right that choc orange is wonderful, if it wasent so cold I would go and get me one,

3incollege 01-07-2010 11:14 AM

Just wanted to Thank my Secret Angel! I got some goodies today for the New Year. Just wanted to let you know, I received the package today. I'll try to post a picture later. Donna

Nancy in Louisiana 01-07-2010 04:21 PM

3 Attachment(s)
I received a great gift from my SQA. A great book on how (not) to do housework; a pattern for a quilt with frogs, lizards and dragon flies; and a yard of material with leaves on it to start with. She knows me too well -- living where I live I tend to get up close and personal with crawly things, whether I want to or not. Afterall, they were here first. I'm probably the only person in the world that decorates her kitchen with frogs and lizards. And housework ... let's just say it doesn't have the same priority as it once did.

(And you were NOT late, Angel, you were right on time. Today is cold and damp and gloomy, and your package was just what I needed. The book had me laughing in no time, and the patterns are on my table next to some perspective fabrics. Thank you so much for all.)

Sugarpumpkin 01-07-2010 04:25 PM

Is that spider real? YIKES!

Great package though!

Crafty1 01-07-2010 04:34 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I received my SQA gift today! I love it! You must have been reading my mind, over the weekend I was out looking for a quilt calendar but could not find one :( And look what you sent... the perfect calendar YAY!, a FQ (my favorite color BTW) and a sweet note :) I'll try and set up a PD&A and update periodically so be on the lookout for more clues about me :) But hey, if you can read minds, then I'm sure you already know what I like! Thank you so much and take care!

Sugarpumpkin 01-07-2010 04:45 PM

What a beautiful Calendar!

sewnsewer2 01-07-2010 04:56 PM

Ya'll got some nice gifts!

dojo36 01-07-2010 05:07 PM

sewnsewer2, have u still not gotten anything? :-( :twisted: makes me want to send u something to make u feel better, i'm fixin to send another one to my angelee monday, an even better one this time. had fun today picking out stuff.

trupeach 01-07-2010 05:22 PM

Everyone is getting such beautiful gifts, weeeeeeeee are all very luck that there are such generous SQA. I love everything. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

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