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lfw045 01-07-2010 05:38 PM

I have a feeling quite a few of us haven't gotten anything yet but that is okay. I am getting ready to send my Angelee more! :^)

sandpat 01-07-2010 05:44 PM

More great surprizes....those frogs in the kitchen are really cute...AND unusual!

sewnsewer2 01-07-2010 05:52 PM

Originally Posted by dojo36
sewnsewer2, have u still not gotten anything? :-( :twisted: makes me want to send u something to make u feel better, i'm fixin to send another one to my angelee monday, an even better one this time. had fun today picking out stuff.

Oh yes, I got a great pocket callendar from my SQA the other day. I posted about it. It came just in time too, because I almost bought one!

sharon b 01-07-2010 06:01 PM

I haven't received anything yet, but the best things are worth waiting for :wink: LOL Having fun watching everyone else getting such neat nice things and it gives me clues on what to maybe send :lol:

Janstar 01-07-2010 06:21 PM

Such great gifts everyone!!

chewboo 01-07-2010 06:27 PM

i am still waiting patiently also

kwhite 01-07-2010 06:43 PM

Hi, I just got a message from Jnebug and she wanted me to write and tell you her computer is down. Today she got the most wonderful gift from her Secret Angel (delivered and not mailed) and she wanted me to post the thank you for her. She said she will post pictures as soon as she gets her computer back. She is so curious as to who this might be. She should have her computer in a week or so, but wanted to thank the Secret Angel as soon as she could.

Minnie 01-07-2010 06:51 PM

I too received a gift from my SQA today. I got a nice card with a very pretty quilt pattern on it and a warm Happy New Year w/ a magnet inside. I love it and am very greatful to my Wonderful SQA....Thank you Thank you Thank you....I would post pictures, but no camera yet....

tlrnhi 01-07-2010 07:46 PM

Sigh.......I have to wait until I get home to get mine, but I'm enjoying seeing what everyone is getting.
I did get a message from my Secret Angel saying that there is something for me. :) :)

charismah 01-07-2010 10:26 PM

I received my second package from my quilt angel today....a great card with 2 batik FQ.

I received my first package at christmas and I loved all of my gifts! I got several fabrics, candy, dog treats, plant, ornaments..I am so fortunate to have such an angel! Thank you so much!

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