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barbsbus 01-08-2010 11:06 AM

Originally Posted by Crafty1
I received my SQA gift today! I love it! You must have been reading my mind, over the weekend I was out looking for a quilt calendar but could not find one :( And look what you sent... the perfect calendar YAY!, a FQ (my favorite color BTW) and a sweet note :) I'll try and set up a PD&A and update periodically so be on the lookout for more clues about me :) But hey, if you can read minds, then I'm sure you already know what I like! Thank you so much and take care!

What a cute puppy! It looks so cuddly. What is it's name?

janedennis 01-08-2010 01:02 PM

I am sorry cant post a picture but wanted to say "thank you Secret Sister your present today was really needed. Feeling really low and that perked me up. Love chocolate and tea both but I am a real lover of tea so much. Why I am down, well on Sunday we had an accident with our RV while moving in to another site in the park and it is in pretty bad shape. It may even be totalled by the insurance company. That is why i am very stressed waiting for the estimate from the company to fix it then what is the insurance going to say. Waiting for others is torcher so the presernt today was really appreciated. Thank you so much. See Secret Sister coordinator for address change.

Jane in Florida and by the way its cold outside, may see snow tomorrow morning. Yes maybe snow.

brushandthimble 01-08-2010 01:27 PM

I received another gift today from my SQA! Thank you, thank you! I love Choc oranges and have not found any this year. Just said to DH yesterday, we need to look again.
Also have an interview Monday YA! Wish me luck:)

Thank you SQA again for the choc orange!

Catlady 01-08-2010 02:46 PM

A big THANK YOU to my secret quilt angel. I just love
the cat fabric you sent. Its so cute, I LOL when I
opened it up. Hubby thought it was cute too. (and so appropriate for me too).
Thank you, thank you.

montanaquilter 01-08-2010 03:27 PM

thank you SQA for the little gift today--i was so excited when i got the mail tonight!! Lovely card, star fq and lots of yummy hot chocolates. i love these variety hot chocolates they are soooo good! and they will warm me up since it has been so cold out this week here in MT!! Thanks again!!

quiltingbee12 01-08-2010 06:36 PM

Good to see everyone is getting such wonderful gifts!
I'm still watching my PO box though ;)

Crafty1 01-08-2010 07:18 PM

Originally Posted by barbsbus
What a cute puppy! It looks so cuddly. What is it's name?

Awww thanks! Her name is Luckie and she just turned 5 :) She loves to be cuddled and she's so spoiled.

barbsbus 01-08-2010 08:10 PM

She is so cute. I just want to squeeze her. LOL. I have a black lab cross and she is loveable but not fluffy and small.

chewboo 01-08-2010 08:19 PM

i have this problem just like i do when i write a letter it never gets mailed now i am collecting for mu angelee and think just one more thing but i did get one package off now to get the next one finished

amma 01-09-2010 12:53 AM

I am not sure if I received a gift from my quilt angel... I received some blue and yellow teddy bear fabric in the mail. I thought it was a donation for Downy quilts, but I found out it wasn't. If it was, thank you very much!!! It is beautiful. I am still looking for my camera cord to post pictures of my beautiful fabric :D:D:D

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