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wvdek 07-28-2010 02:27 PM

Feel better soon, Sewjoyce.

Sheila Elaine 07-28-2010 03:03 PM

How cute.

montanaquilter 07-28-2010 04:18 PM

Originally Posted by mjsylvstr

Originally Posted by montanaquilter
i LOVE that wall hanging!! So cute and it would look great in my sewing room

sorry, it's already hanging in mine......maybe your angel will see this and make one for you also..


hey thanks for giving my angel a hint!! that'd be awesome. enjoy your wall hanging and everything that your angel is sending you! :-P

mjsylvstr 07-28-2010 04:22 PM

hi Montanaquilter.........

I will, I will..........

Itis hanging where I can see it all day long......since I spend the majority of time in this room, what better place for it.

Don't know who your angel is but if she is viewing the photo thread, I'm sure that she will get the hint !!!!!!!!!

PuffinGin 07-29-2010 03:41 AM

Mjsylvstr, love that wall hanging of yours. I've got some of the Loralie fabrics in my stash. Hmmm, idea--good idea!

Sounds like some of our angels/angelees are feeling under the weather: Dix, ifw045, and SewJoyce, sending you healing, strengthening thoughts. Hope you're recovered or well on the way very soon. I've heard that sewing is very therapeautic; try it and see.

ligia 07-29-2010 06:38 AM

Originally Posted by mjsylvstr

In the first photo is a crocheted scrubby...

Didin´t know about it.
Is it to be used on glasses or china ?
Hope someone other than Mjsylvstr´s SQA can tell me.. :lol: :lol:

mjsylvstr 07-29-2010 06:53 AM

Originally Posted by ligia

Originally Posted by mjsylvstr

In the first photo is a crocheted scrubby...

Didin´t know about it.
Is it to be used on glasses or china ?
Hope someone other than Mjsylvstr´s SQA can tell me.. :lol: :lol:

My Angel tells me that it works wonders on pots.....

haven't tried it as yet........too much heat to be cookin' !!!!!!

Going out, I don't have any dishes (or pots) to do.....

PuffinGin 07-29-2010 06:57 AM

Originally Posted by ligia

Originally Posted by mjsylvstr

In the first photo is a crocheted scrubby...

Didin´t know about it.
Is it to be used on glasses or china ?
Hope someone other than Mjsylvstr´s SQA can tell me.. :lol: :lol:

They are made by cutting nylon netting into strips and crocheting them in the round. I have made them but find it hard to crochet that rough netting-- hurts my fingers. I just buy them at craft fairs. Love them to use on pots or anything you'd use a commercial green scrubby on.

Not mjs's Angel

Darlene loves Chocolates 07-29-2010 06:58 AM

I got stuff to show off.....

but the camera is in the car in the garage....in the gloverbox of the car....

and I am too chicken to go out there...cause I heard a rattle noise, like a rattlesnake noise in the bush by the garage door...

and Chuck is too sick to ask to go out there, plus I don't want him to know I left the camera in the car in the garage....


I got all of your super surprises but I am too chicken to get the camera as I might get a surprise! SNAKE BITE!!!!

When the gardener comes in a few days, I will ask him to get the camera out for me...and check the bush for a snake...

chances are the snake is gone....IF EVER THERE WAS ONE!

I love my SQA and clearly she loves me! Thank you.

Grama Lehr 07-29-2010 07:33 AM

When the gardener comes in a few days, I will ask him to get the camera out for me...and check the bush for a snake...

chances are the snake is gone....IF EVER THERE WAS ONE!

Darlene, am I reading this right?? You actually stay home for a few days at a time? I wish that I could do that. . . . . . :roll:

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