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Leota 07-29-2010 03:29 PM

Thank you SQA.... I got a pretty yellow daisy card today... She was just checking on me and making sure I'm ok...
YUP I's good :D Just super busy. Building, and working at my new job...

sandpat 07-29-2010 05:32 PM

Oh gosh...I'm terrified of snakes. The other day my neighbor told me to go pick some peas in her garden. Well I did..carefully because she has let the grass start coming up. I was finished and picking my way out...slowly...carefully, when all of a sudden I find myself in the tomatoes almost impaled by the metal stake!! I had seen their black water hose laying in the grass and it scared me half to death!!! :oops: :roll:

mcdaniel023 07-29-2010 05:46 PM

I am sooo much more afraid of a mouse than a snake. But, then again we don't have poisonious snakes in our area. Just little ole gardner snakes. I actually kept one in my desk in 5th grade. But, if I saw a mouse I was hysterical. A picture of a rat gives me nightmares!
I do think our Mousie is pretty special though.

wvdek 07-29-2010 05:54 PM

I don't crochet the scrubbies, yet, but buy them from an 80 plus year old lady.

You have to use the really coarse netting to crochet them.

I use them to wash everything as far as dishes, counters, smooth-top stove, sink, knicknacks, etc. Love them, can't live without them.

gramqlts 07-29-2010 08:57 PM

Dix, sorry about your mom. Lost mine in April who had been sick for awhile now too. It does get easier with time even tho I miss her tons. Just knowing she is not suffering any more is the most calming to my heart.

Sorry to hear some of you have been sick. Have not been on for almost a week and so much to catch up on.

And as for snakes, mice, etc.....there are two choices....they either die or I move! Hate creepy crawlies!
Found a huge spider in my sewing room floor dead sev months ago and now refuse to go in there barefooted til check all areas. My daughter said it was baby tarantula but to me it was the grandpa not the baby.

I had sprayed for ants the day before and it got it too. Now can't spray or bomb frequently enough (lol).

brushandthimble 07-30-2010 04:47 AM

I got dropped again :cry:
Does anyone know why this happens? I don't realise I am not getting messages until I think of the subject.

I have to say sorry for my angelee, I have been busy and not sent out anything this month :cry: I will start putting a package together, (I do think of you, and have picked up a few things for that package) and get a card out.

karielt 07-30-2010 07:22 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I was surprised and overwhelmed yesterday when I got home from work. Never in my life would I have expected what I found on my porch. It was amazing and it brought me to happy tears.... I got roses and chocolate from my dear dear angel. I haven't gotten flowers for I would say 20 years. It’s my birthday Monday and I was feeling a little Melancholy. I had planned on getting my favorite take out a cryable chick flick and a small cheese cake and spend my birthday sitting home. You have really made this year special and I feel so loved and happy right now.

I can't wait to find out who my wonderful Ethel friend is, you will be my dear friend forever.

Sugarpumpkin 07-30-2010 07:58 AM

Happy Birthday Karie!
What beautiful roses you received!

laparshall 07-30-2010 08:11 AM

Happy Birthday Karie. Sure are a lot of roses in that bouquet. Enjoy your day!

PuffinGin 07-30-2010 08:38 AM

Wow! Wow! Wow! What beautiful roses and a beautiful birthday surprise. Happy Birthday!

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