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karielt 07-30-2010 08:41 AM

Ok I have to say I have the head angel of SQA angels I just love her!

mjsylvstr 07-30-2010 08:48 AM

WOW...EEEEEEE, what a gorgeous bouquet !!!!!!

Have a happy, happy day........

mcdaniel023 07-30-2010 08:58 AM

What beautiful flowers! And choclates, too? You do have a special angel. But, mine is the best. :D
Have a wonderful birthday!

Grama Lehr 07-30-2010 09:29 AM

Beautiful roses!! :P
I just love how your angels are taking such good care of you!

karielt 07-30-2010 10:23 AM

Thanks everyone for the Birthday wishes you are my family on here :)

Chrickett 07-30-2010 11:31 AM

I can deal with snakes, as long as I can see them , but the one thing that makes me sick is a nasty Roach, or a mouse. they look better dead.
new subject, what is every one working on now? I am working on another quilt, batiks, and baby sheets,
got two friends young ones, that are going to have babys in a few months. and sheets are so easy to make, I am going to make pillows and cases for them next. I am back in the grove now, but still have to take it easy, I get to hurting when I sit to long. But I love to sew.

Originally Posted by gramqlts
Dix, sorry about your mom. Lost mine in April who had been sick for awhile now too. It does get easier with time even tho I miss her tons. Just knowing she is not suffering any more is the most calming to my heart.

Sorry to hear some of you have been sick. Have not been on for almost a week and so much to catch up on.

And as for snakes, mice, etc.....there are two choices....they either die or I move! Hate creepy crawlies!
Found a huge spider in my sewing room floor dead sev months ago and now refuse to go in there barefooted til check all areas. My daughter said it was baby tarantula but to me it was the grandpa not the baby.

I had sprayed for ants the day before and it got it too. Now can't spray or bomb frequently enough (lol).

Chrickett 07-30-2010 11:33 AM

Beautiful flowers, and how is sthe chocolate, yummmm

Originally Posted by karielt
I was surprised and overwhelmed yesterday when I got home from work. Never in my life would I have expected what I found on my porch. It was amazing and it brought me to happy tears.... I got roses and chocolate from my dear dear angel. I haven't gotten flowers for I would say 20 years. It’s my birthday Monday and I was feeling a little Melancholy. I had planned on getting my favorite take out a cryable chick flick and a small cheese cake and spend my birthday sitting home. You have really made this year special and I feel so loved and happy right now.

I can't wait to find out who my wonderful Ethel friend is, you will be my dear friend forever.

sewnsewer2 07-30-2010 11:53 AM

Oh what a sweet thoughtful angel you have Karie! The flowers are beautiful!!

SulaBug 07-30-2010 11:55 AM

Originally Posted by Sugarpumpkin
Happy Birthday Karie!
What beautiful roses you received!

Yes, Karie.........HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Your roses are beautiful & I know you will enjoy the choclates, too!! Ehtel, you are so wonderful to you Secret Quilt Angel. I thank you for making her birthday so special!!
:D :D :D :D

NiceNCLady 07-30-2010 01:21 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I got a "just because" gift from my angel today. It's a cool book (that I've already gotten some ideas from), a charm pack and a sweet letter. Thank you so much. Don't apologize for anything, I completely understand about your Mom. I went through the same thing in December and I know how it is. Thank you again and I wish the best with the new great grand.

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