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sewnsewer2 08-13-2010 08:41 PM

1 Attachment(s)
OMG I got another squishy today. THANK YOU my sweet Proxy SQA.

Just look at these really CUTE Halloween fabrics!And the pattern is great! I just bought the fabric yesterday for a diaperbag for my expected grandson on the way but hadn't gotten a pattern yet. Now I have one and it is perfect thank you!

Charlee 08-13-2010 08:46 PM

1 Attachment(s)
My Dearest Angel....I can't possibly thank you enough! You are totally awesome, and ever so generous! I can't wait to know who you are...and I so wish I could give you the biggest hug!! Thank you so much for thinking of me and being so kind! ~hug~

Cute totebag, fabric, needles, pincushion and gorgeous fabrics!!

jetnica 08-13-2010 08:50 PM

Charlee -- That is a super-cute tote!

sewnsewer2 08-13-2010 08:53 PM

Oooo, what pretties!

laparshall 08-14-2010 03:09 AM

sewnsewer and Charlee: you both received some great items. I love that purple fabric. The color is so rich.

Barbm 08-14-2010 03:44 AM

I can't wait until our Secret Pals reveal themselves. Mine is just the best- I think she has ESP. Just when I need a "pick me up"- there's a card in the mail or an email in the inbox. I have the most considerate Secret Pal. I WUV HER!

PuffinGin 08-14-2010 06:00 AM

Oh, what wonderful gifts our great SQAs have been showering us with. BrushandThimble, I'm going to have to check out charmpacks. I've never paid much attention to precut items except fqs. They look like such a good idea for getting related fabrics.

May the angel force be with you and the fun continue!

sewnsewer2 08-14-2010 12:18 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Today I have been cleaning house and doing laundry. Hubby brought in the mail and I was absolutely FLOORED!
My SQA and Proxy's did it again and I thank you so much. You all are gonna make me cry yet!

I am NOT used to being treated so nicely, so thank you so much for your kindness and thoughtfulness :-D

I love everything and just don't know what to say, but thank you from the bottom of my heart. :D

from Twinkle-Belle

from PSQA

from Proxy Angel

Grama Lehr 08-14-2010 12:36 PM

Guess what guys? ? ? :oops: :oops: :oops:
I recieved the sweetest card in the mail!! It's a great BIG HUG in a card!! Whoo-hoo! I might not have an angel, but now I have a Teddy Bear! Thank you!! From the bottem of my toes, I really needed that pick me up.
**** doing the happy dance **** :lol:

SulaBug 08-14-2010 12:41 PM

Originally Posted by sewnsewer2
Today I have been cleaning house and doing laundry. Hubby brought in the mail and I was absolutely FLOORED!
My SQA and Proxy's did it again and I thank you so much. You all are gonna make me cry yet!

I am NOT used to being treated so nicely, so thank you so much for your kindness and thoughtfulness :-D

I love everything and just don't know what to say, but thank you from the bottom of my heart. :D

You absolutely deserve every bit of the lovely things, you are getting in the mail!! :D It is so much fun watching to see what you will get next!! Have a Great Weekend!! You are my Angel, in many different ways!!
Sew Happy,
:D :D :D

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