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chewboo 01-14-2010 09:33 PM

my package was sent must be on the slow boat to china along with the package frm my angel i hope my angeleegets her package soon of if she has it she will post

Oklahoma Lightning 01-14-2010 10:43 PM

I am bad I sending one out this week.
Someone please PM on her colors and likes. I have nothing but address.

mcdaniel023 01-15-2010 02:30 AM

I haven't recieved anything yet and that is ok. The original thread did say we would start in January and I know that sometimes life just gets in the way.
The first package I sent has been received and the second is on it's way. Thinking up special surprises is truly something I enjoy.

Elisabrat 01-15-2010 04:35 AM

ok there is a thread under member swaps that there are postings of people getting secret angel swap items and I think it should be over here so if your secret angel hasnt acknowledged your gift you might check that link and see if the thank you shows up in the postings. I did note that they should come here in the future but.. well you know how that goes!

Elisabrat 01-15-2010 04:37 AM

go to the user list look up your angel. Then read the posts/threads she has started and you will get a better idea of the likes dislikes and maybe see some projects she/he has done. Just a thought. A treasure trove of ideas in those postings (now everyone will run out and post.. gee saw some GORGEOUS HOT PINK ELEPHANTS WHICH I ADORE.. or plaids anyone else into plaids like I am? the postings will flood the site!)

wichypoo 01-15-2010 05:08 AM

I have sent out a little something squishy, and in the mail I recieved a squishy. This is sooooo cool. I love my fabric, I have not taken a photo but will try that too. :-D :thumbup:

STAR 01-15-2010 05:26 AM

I gave TONS of info when I signed up. My SQA probably read it and rolled their eyes :roll:
I just want them to know what I like incase they weren't sure what to get but of course I LOVE it all!!
I wish my angelee would have listed more info but oh well i am sure they LOVE everything also, :lol: :wink:

sandpat 01-15-2010 06:24 AM

I hope all of you who are still waiting do get your 1st squishy soon..its so nice to be thought of!

I'll have to admit that I didn't give out a ton of info when I signed up because...1. I like everything, 2. I post...alot...way too much...I have a big mouth and if they have weeks, they can find out most everything about me from the posts...3...I like everything...and finally 4...I'm soooo easy to please :lol:

Knot Sew 01-15-2010 06:44 AM

I have sent and I know they were recieved.....but my mailbox stays empty. I think everyone should have sent a card and then each anglee could have reported if they got one. I know from other swaps that people just drop out....they like to get things, then don't send.
January in NY is not a pleasant month and some of the other northern states across the US are probably the same. Lots of ice and snow and cold and not much sun....its nice to get a cheery card

lfw045 01-15-2010 06:47 AM

Exactly.....just a card would be nice. :^)

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