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pocoellie 08-20-2010 04:40 AM

Sending prayers to you and your family. Please keep us posted.

Chrickett 08-20-2010 05:49 AM


I am so sorry you have not heard from your angel, Maybe if she reads this message you wrote t will stir her up. If not PM me your address and I will send you a neat pkg. My Anges if so very great and she sends me the greatest things, I feel bad for thoes that are not receiving.

STAR 08-20-2010 05:54 AM

Originally Posted by sewnsewer2
Didn't get #1 yet, but I did get another pressie from my sweet Twinkle-Belle today! THANK YOU! I love all of it and there are some great patterns in the mags. And oh, I LOVE, LOVE the cat wall hanging pattern!

She sent me these goodies to make my DGD Eiley a few things. She had already said she wants a pillowcase from the Snow White fabric. :-D . She spotted the frog fabric 1st off and loved everything. Twinkle-Belle, Eiley wanted me to take a pic of her with "her fabric" to thank you :D (notice the cute smirk) :lol:

Hey Dawn, I just got a pm from your really super secret angel and she said to tell you that you just opened package #1!!!!!!! she forgot to number,LOL


I guess she saw what I wrote about opening your packages early :twisted:

Grama Lehr 08-20-2010 06:45 AM

Star, cross your fingers?? You aren't just saying that so Dawn will show us what she got??? :roll: hmmmmmmm

STAR 08-20-2010 06:48 AM

Originally Posted by Grama Lehr
Star, cross your fingers?? You aren't just saying that so Dawn will show us what she got??? :roll: hmmmmmmm

:shock: who me??

of course not!! well maybe :twisted:

no really I did get a message ;-)


Grama Lehr 08-20-2010 07:29 AM

Originally Posted by STAR

Originally Posted by Grama Lehr
Star, cross your fingers?? You aren't just saying that so Dawn will show us what she got??? :roll: hmmmmmmm

:shock: who me??

of course not!! well maybe :twisted:

no really I did get a message ;-)


Ok!! Look me straight in the eye....... :shock: :shock: :shock:
Ok, I will believe you! :roll: Plus, I want to see what she got!!
Let's call her! Wake her up! Time to open those presents!! ;)

Sugarpumpkin 08-20-2010 07:45 AM


Thank you for your generosity. It means a lot to me that you would do something like that, but I don't think that I could ask you to do that. I really appreciate the thought though!

sharon b 08-20-2010 08:13 AM

Dawn.. Did you see the message... now hurry up and start ripping :wink: well what is the hold up now ???

We are waiting :shock: LOL

OdessaQuilts 08-20-2010 11:32 AM

sharon b,

I think she's just trying to tease us now. What a stinker! We've been in her corner all this time and NOW she decides she doesn't want to share????? What the heck???


p.s. I actually think she's probably gone, enjoying the nice weather .....

Grama Lehr 08-20-2010 12:39 PM

That's isn't a very good excuse!! I want to see her presents!! :shock:
Star, talk to her!! :-D :-D :-D

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