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gramqlts 08-26-2010 06:43 PM

I have high blood pressure....have had for about 15 years and have bad allergies, both skin and lung and everyone I talked to so far wants to put a year's rider for preexisting conditions which about covers everything that can go wrong, they can blame on these conditions. I can retire the end of next June and carry my Cobra from work for little over $400 a month but only for 18 months and at that time my Medicare will kick in. Did not want to wait that long tho....ready now. I have started a count down calendar last month. It shows 314 days from now til end of June but after deleting days off, holidays, vacation days, etc....that leaves 196 days. Am I getting technical or what!!! lol

Oh....happy birthday Jane. Hope it was a great one.

Sugarpumpkin 08-26-2010 08:47 PM

Happy Anniversary janedennis!

mjsylvstr 08-27-2010 02:28 AM

Originally Posted by gramqlts
Sharon b I love your kitties....so cute! I am so far behind in my projects.....3 birthday quilts, 3 baby quilts, 3 fat quarter bags,,,,,etc etc etc. The hurrier I go the behinder I get. Just been too hot to sew. This heat causes me to have to take naps almost every afternoon after I get home from work while trying to cool down and then time to fix supper and get ready for bed, etc and then get up at 5 a.m. and start all over. Will be glad when cooler weather gets here. Oh if only I could retire now!!!! Anyone know where an older person can get reasonable health insurance and they will take you as you are without a year's rider? That's my only hold up. I'm so ready to retire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AARP has multi choices..we are very happy with them.......

NorBanaquilts 08-27-2010 02:29 AM

2 Attachment(s)
My dear angel sent me an Anniversary pressie! Look at all my goodies!

Thanks Angel!

The earrings are so precious, they are made from vintage buttons from the 1860's

sewred 08-27-2010 04:30 AM

I apologize to my SQA I have lost her address and the package will be late! I am pm-ing KW for her addy.

sewjoyce 08-27-2010 04:33 AM

Norbana -- I LOVE your earrings -- they're awesome! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Now I know what else I can do with all those old buttons :lol:

Hope you two had a happy anniversary! :-D

brushandthimble 08-27-2010 04:37 AM

I think the new health care laws going in effect cannot put limits on pre-existing conditions.

Originally Posted by gramqlts
I have high blood pressure....have had for about 15 years and have bad allergies, both skin and lung and everyone I talked to so far wants to put a year's rider for preexisting conditions which about covers everything that can go wrong, they can blame on these conditions. I can retire the end of next June and carry my Cobra from work for little over $400 a month but only for 18 months and at that time my Medicare will kick in. Did not want to wait that long tho....ready now. I have started a count down calendar last month. It shows 314 days from now til end of June but after deleting days off, holidays, vacation days, etc....that leaves 196 days. Am I getting technical or what!!! lol

Oh....happy birthday Jane. Hope it was a great one.

janedennis 08-27-2010 04:42 AM

Thnks Dawn but it wase our 36th anniversary not mmy birthday, that isnt umtil December. Thanks anyway.

janedennis 08-27-2010 04:43 AM

Thank you Sugar pumpkin, it was a great day.

Gramakitten 08-27-2010 05:58 AM

1 Attachment(s)
The long awaited pictures. Sorry it took so long. looking for a sweatshirt today. Thanks so much.

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