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wvdek 08-27-2010 06:18 AM

Sorry it took a few days dear Angel to post these. My sinus infection reared its ugly head again even after being on one round of antibiotics and an earache again so am on another round of antibiotics and all the home remedy stuff.

Anyway, can't wait to get the frame on my license plate now that the car is back from the mechanics.
The wallhanging is adoreable and I hope to start on it next week. I already used the Best Press. It smells very nice. I will play around with the embellishments to find the right 'order' on the hanging. Should be really cute.
I know you put alot of thought into what you buy. It always shows. I especially love your little notes. It helps me to know a little more about my 'special' friend and what to pray for you for. Hope your week has been good and you have enjoyed your new position at work. Thank you so much.

PuffinGin 08-27-2010 06:54 AM

Originally Posted by wvdek
Sorry it took a few days dear Angel to post these. My sinus infection reared its ugly head again even after being on one round of antibiotics and an earache again so am on another round of antibiotics and all the home remedy stuff.

Anyway, can't wait to get the frame on my license plate now that the car is back from the mechanics.
The wallhanging is adoreable and I hope to start on it next week. I already used the Best Press. It smells very nice. I will play around with the embellishments to find the right 'order' on the hanging. Should be really cute.
I know you put alot of thought into what you buy. It always shows. I especially love your little notes. It helps me to know a little more about my 'special' friend and what to pray for you for. Hope your week has been good and you have enjoyed your new position at work. Thank you so much.

Is there supposed to be a picture? I wanna see that license frame especially but also the other stuff.

Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary, Happy Angels and Happy Angelees!

wvdek 08-27-2010 09:38 AM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by wvdek
Sorry it took a few days dear Angel to post these. My sinus infection reared its ugly head again even after being on one round of antibiotics and an earache again so am on another round of antibiotics and all the home remedy stuff.

Anyway, can't wait to get the frame on my license plate now that the car is back from the mechanics.
The wallhanging is adoreable and I hope to start on it next week. I already used the Best Press. It smells very nice. I will play around with the embellishments to find the right 'order' on the hanging. Should be really cute.
I know you put alot of thought into what you buy. It always shows. I especially love your little notes. It helps me to know a little more about my 'special' friend and what to pray for you for. Hope your week has been good and you have enjoyed your new position at work. Thank you so much.

Oh my, I just got up from a nap and reallized I forgot these pics. I hate being sick! Yes Puffin, there were to be pics. :roll:

Grama Lehr 08-27-2010 09:48 AM

Cute stuff!! Autumn is my favorite time of year! Darling wall hanging!
Sucks to be sick. . . . . . :? I hope that you feel better real soon!
{{{ ;-) hugs ;-) }}}

sewnsewer2 08-27-2010 10:50 AM

Originally Posted by janedennis
Thnks Dawn but it wase our 36th anniversary not mmy birthday, that isnt umtil December. Thanks anyway.

Woops! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! That's what happens when I am pooped, I don't read right. :lol:

sewnsewer2 08-27-2010 10:52 AM

Wvdek, OMG I love what you sweet SQA sent you!

sewnsewer2 08-27-2010 10:53 AM

Originally Posted by Gramakitten
The long awaited pictures. Sorry it took so long. looking for a sweatshirt today. Thanks so much.

Oh please show us your sweatshirt after you make it! They are so much fun to make and really easy too! Great pressies.

sewnsewer2 08-27-2010 10:54 AM

Originally Posted by NorBanaquilts
My dear angel sent me an Anniversary pressie! Look at all my goodies!

Thanks Angel!

Love the fabrics and those earrings are sew cute!

sandpat 08-27-2010 04:55 PM

Wow...such nice pressies ya'll!! Lucky to have such great angels!

Gramakitten 08-27-2010 04:59 PM

Originally Posted by sewnsewer2

Originally Posted by Gramakitten
The long awaited pictures. Sorry it took so long. looking for a sweatshirt today. Thanks so much.

Oh please show us your sweatshirt after you make it! They are so much fun to make and really easy too! Great pressies.

That's a lot of pressure lol. I will try to get at it before the angel's are revealed. But won;t promise. I really want it done too.

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