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janedennis 08-28-2010 06:19 AM

Thank you PuffinGin

amma 08-28-2010 10:52 AM

My angel sent me a wonderful package :D:D:D Thank you so much!!!! (((HUGS)))

Beautiful batiks, a pattern for bags and accessories, a puzzle book and beautiful card too.

I am going to be gone for a couple of days and will post a picture as soon as I get back, but I wanted to acknowledge these lovely gifts before I left :D:D:D

kwhite 08-29-2010 09:34 AM

Will the self appointed "new angel" of Sugarpumpkin please PM me cause I know nothing about it.

Originally Posted by Sugarpumpkin

I had a very sweet person send me a gift because she felt bad that my angel has been MIA for 4 months.

It's a GREAT package! I will have to post pictures tomorrow because I left my camera cord at home today.

She wanted me to post some info on myself..so here it is:

-I am allergic to tree nuts, but peanuts are ok and I LOVE peanut butter
-I am not big on chocolate, more of a candy person! Jelly beans, sour patch kids, twizzlers etc.
-My favorite colors are Pink, Dark Purple, and Green
-My Favorite animals are #1 Elephants, #2 Penguins, #3 Owls
-My Birthday is Nov. 8th
-I am Canadian

and my BFF is LovingIzabella (April)...I can't think of anything else to say right now, but she would be a good person to ask LOL


ckcowl 08-29-2010 03:57 PM

on saturday we were on our way to play mini-golf and then go to the fair with the granddaughters when we swung through the post office. and oh how exciting there was a key in the box! :) i pulled out a stack of bills and a box...got back in the car, hubby noticed the box was from my sqa! then after looking down the stack of mail i got to the box...was about to grab keys to see if i could cut the tape when hubby again noticed (don't you think he should have been paying attenting driving?) DO NOT OPEN UNTIL SEPTEMBER 5...so he caught me, and stopped me before i peaked :) so, package is here...and i will follow instructions and not open if until the 5th...so no pictures but wanted you to know it's here.

Chrickett 08-30-2010 04:09 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I do not think I could wait until then, it would be a strugle, I remember my christmas box. I was very tempted. but I waited. Looking forward to seeing what is in your box.

Originally Posted by ckcowl
on saturday we were on our way to play mini-golf and then go to the fair with the granddaughters when we swung through the post office. and oh how exciting there was a key in the box! :) i pulled out a stack of bills and a box...got back in the car, hubby noticed the box was from my sqa! then after looking down the stack of mail i got to the box...was about to grab keys to see if i could cut the tape when hubby again noticed (don't you think he should have been paying attenting driving?) DO NOT OPEN UNTIL SEPTEMBER 5...so he caught me, and stopped me before i peaked :) so, package is here...and i will follow instructions and not open if until the 5th...so no pictures but wanted you to know it's here.

lfw045 08-30-2010 04:25 AM

I have the sweetest Quilt Angel!! I recieved the most beautiful Lotus panel from Timeless Treasures, a Thread Cutter Pendant and The Angler 2 (she must of known that I wanted one!)and there is another panel on backorder. Oh my goodness did this put a smile on my face this weekend! Thank you so much my sweet Quilt Angel. You are so good to me!!!!

Grama Lehr 08-30-2010 06:18 AM

lfw045, sounds yummy!! What are you going to make??

charismah 08-30-2010 10:04 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I got a great PAckage last week from SQA! This is my first chance to post a picture! Thank you OS much SQA! I really appreciate all of my gifts and my Daughter is already eyeing a few of them!

KGoodhand 08-30-2010 10:05 AM

Everyone is getting such beautiful gifts!!!

Sugarpumpkin 08-30-2010 10:36 AM

4 Attachment(s)
Ok, finally able to post pictures from the suprise package I received from my "NEW" angel!

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