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mcdaniel023 08-31-2010 03:40 PM

It is busy time for most of us. But, boy Grama Lehr you sure got a great present.

Leota 08-31-2010 03:45 PM

For what ever reason, I am not getting my notices on this thread.
SQA "Piggy" I got your wonderful note and questionnaire... I have filled it out and have it ready to mail. :D
I hope you don't think me greedy about the question on what I want most :D

ligia 08-31-2010 04:37 PM

Originally Posted by Gramakitten
just a few more days to retirement. can;t wait. yeah for me.

CONGRATS !!!! :lol:

sandpat 08-31-2010 04:42 PM

Yes Grama....Big Congrats!!!

Ybridgegal 08-31-2010 04:50 PM

My dear Angel,
Sorry I didn't post yesterday when I got your package but it did come for my special day. I was a little worried since I haven't heard from you, hoping everything with you was OK. But now I know you were just making that specail little box for me. As everyone knows little boxes mean great things....sorry I can't post pics but truly surpise this mechanical thing is letting me do this (not my day with machines at work either) So here goes what was in my little fantastic box....a polka dot carry all, a scarecrow, 2 garden magnets (Hope and Believe), a Christmas panel, a book "Simple Tips For Quilters". F&P bindling tool, Glow line tape, 6 FQ of batik prints, That Purple Thing (for threading ribbon and/or elastic, 2 spools of thread, F & P Quilting magazine and 2 pieces of light and dark teal fabric. All in a small box. Thank You Thank You You brightened my day in a BIG way. Bless you so much

brushandthimble 08-31-2010 04:52 PM

I received a cute card from Suzie QA, thank you!

I am starting to make items for the craft fairs coming up, I have 2 in Nov and 1 in Dec.

No, I am not in any swaps at this time. I did participate in the 9 patch project and have posted about starting a pinwheel project after the first of the year. I am trying to keep up with the flower theme BOM, but haven't even printed out Aug, need to go look for Sept post.

I hope you have a great camping trip this weekend. We are watching what Earl may bring for New England. We having a saying "if you don't like the weather, wait a minute it will change". So I guess we won't know what the weather will be until its here. LOL

Blue Bell 08-31-2010 05:10 PM

Grama Lehr,
Wow, you received a great package from your secret Angel. Love the fabric and the pattern.

Blue Bell 08-31-2010 05:12 PM

Originally Posted by Barbm
well, I've sent a huge thank you to my Angel via email. I've named her Patsy Cline, because she signs her cards and email as my "crazy" SQA. Patsy Cline sings "Crazy", my all time favorite country song. However- she's not so secret- I "figgered" her out. But I'm not telling you who she is. I can keep a secret too. :)

Patsy sent my groom and I a really really cool anniversary gift- a neat popcorn container with 5 kinds of popcorn. We ate the kettle corn and I'm trying to not open them in front of the kids so we can savor them. We have cinnamon toast and some chocolate and 2 others waiting for us. Hubby thinks we are all crazy here and my angel just helps him in his delusions.
I am curious. Who is your secret angel? Inquiring minds want to know.
All I know is I have the sweetest, kindest, most wonderful angel around. She sends me emails when I least expect them and they just pick me right up and give me the biggest smiles. I am learning so much about her and I know we will continue to write after the "Big Reveal" in Dec.

Blue Bell 08-31-2010 05:13 PM

I am curious. Who is your secret angel? Inquiring minds want to know.

Barbm 09-01-2010 03:52 AM

I'm not telling! 1) It would then take one person off the list for you to figure out yours. 2) You would be jealous because she is awesome! Are you going to tell my Mom I won't play nice- my sisters used to beat me up for that. :)

Let's just say I have intuitive powers and she posted something that went "click" and I went hunting.

I know I am not as clever as Patsy, I see the things posted here and then I shop- looking for the "perfect" gift and I get frustrated because I don't think I'm doing a good job. But, I'm on to something for my angelee- now to find the perfect item.

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