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gramqlts 09-05-2010 06:21 AM

Happy birthday to you.....happy birthday to you......happy birthday CK....happy birthday to you.

(You should be glad you can't really hear me singing out loud....lol.)

......and many mooooooooorrrrrrrreeeeee!

grammo013 09-05-2010 10:02 AM

Such wonderful pressies.

sewnsewer2 09-05-2010 02:04 PM

Originally Posted by ckcowl
I OPENED MY BIRTHDAY PACKAGE AT 5AM THIS MORNING :) COULDN'T WAIT ANY LONGER!!! I received a fabric bundle of the most beautiful bird print panal and coordinates, it is so beautiful! and it was beautifully wrapped in birthday cake fabric!
THANK YOU SO MUCH, YOU ARE SUCH A WONDERFUL SECRET ANGEL! i have looked at those fabrics on line and (gazed in loving wonderment at their beauty) but it was a splurge i could not justify financially...and here they are, what a wonderful gift, sometimes i don't know how you figure out these things....


trupeach1 09-05-2010 02:48 PM

Happy Birthday........Ckcowl

trupeach1 09-05-2010 02:52 PM

I have a question???????? Christmas will be here before you know it and I THINK Dec was the last month of doing this. Right now we send things random will Dec have a cut off date? Will we all open the pressies the same day like with Secret Santa???????? Will we wait until Dec or since Dec is such a busy month will be do it in Nov? If that be the case Nov starts in 7 weeks................I NEED ANSWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK OK those who know me know I was terrible with SS last year.

sewnsewer2 09-05-2010 03:46 PM

Originally Posted by trupeach1
I have a question???????? Christmas will be here before you know it and I THINK Dec was the last month of doing this. Right now we send things random will Dec have a cut off date? Will we all open the pressies the same day like with Secret Santa???????? Will we wait until Dec or since Dec is such a busy month will be do it in Nov? If that be the case Nov starts in 7 weeks................I NEED ANSWERS!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK OK those who know me know I was terrible with SS last year.

Good question truepeach!

wvdek 09-05-2010 06:04 PM

Ok, time for Trupeach to take a deep breath and relax.

Patience is beginning to wear thin for you isn't it, dear?

I think kwhite should choose a date and time for us in December. My problem is I would love to know more about my Angel so I can make something special just for her, but have not quite figured out how to do that without knowing who she is and reading her profile.

I know one thing, I will be glad to come out of ... whadya think I was going to say?... Hiding.

gramqlts 09-05-2010 08:28 PM

Peach has no patience....never has, never will....lol. I think she should have to wait longer than the rest of us just cause it would drive her nuts...ha ha ha. I love you peachy!!!!

wvdek...come on out kiddo - from whereever (lol).

OdessaQuilts 09-05-2010 08:59 PM

I got a lovely envie from my SQA last week, but in my busy life, I don't recall if I posted about it. There were some BEAUTIFUL Jinny Beyer fabrics that I truly adore (how did you know? did I mention that somewhere?), and another lovely card. The cards she sends are works of art, and she always writes the nicest notes. So sorry that you've not been feeling well, but like all things, this too shall pass. I think of you fondly and often and every time I open my mailbox and see an envelope with that handwriting on it, I get excited. You bring a smile to my face every day. Thank you so much for everything, my friend.

Looking forward to December when I get to know who you are!


trupeach1 09-06-2010 06:45 AM

Originally Posted by gramqlts
Peach has no patience....never has, never will....lol. I think she should have to wait longer than the rest of us just cause it would drive her nuts...ha ha ha. I love you peachy!!!!.

I am sure you will be doing secret santa along with this, I hope all your pressies get sent to the north pole for santa to give to a NICE quilter, someone nice like ME!!!!!!!!!! (sticking my tongue out at you) :shock: :shock: :shock:

I love you too gram!!!!!!!! {{{{{{{BIG HUG}}}}}}}

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