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Charlee 09-11-2010 08:25 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I have to say that my ANGEL is the BEST angel anyone could ever hope for!!

Yep! I got yet another package from this sweet person today...with a beautiful Fall Angel, a kickin' mini quilt kit, and the cutest tea towel with a pumpkin pie recipe on it! I just think everything is wonderful, and so, My Angel, are YOU!! Thank you so VERY MUCH!! :)

PuffinGin 09-12-2010 08:31 AM

Charlee and other Angelees: Love seeing pictures and hearing about notes, letters, and pressies your angels sent. I believe my angel is the best one; so does this mean that we all have the bestest angel?

Sugarpumpkin 09-12-2010 08:43 AM

New Angel,

Thank you soo much for the package you sent!

I received an elephant cookie cutter with some recipes, a cute little bag kit, and an adorable tote!
I love it all!

You are so amazing and it really brightened my day when I got home as I am not feeling to well :(

Thank you sooo sooo much!

kwhite 09-12-2010 08:50 AM

This is for YBridgegal from your Angel.


Happy birthday! I am thinking of you on your special day. I hope that it is wonderful and wish you many more! Enjoy! Sorry couldn't get the M&M's in the package this time, I will just have to double up in the next.

Happy Birthday!

Your SQA

kwhite 09-12-2010 10:05 AM

To all of sewnsewer2's proxy Angels. She has been given another permenant replacement Angel.

kwhite 09-12-2010 10:32 AM

I have one more replacement to make. I have removed all of the "fallen Angel's" that I know about. There have been some really hurt feelings over this exchange. I ask that you do not get on here and complain about not receiving anything for X amount of time. You do not know your Angels circumstance and complaining here may add salt to the already wounded Angel. If you have issues please work them out with me and not on here. There are some very thoughtful and generous people associated with this exchange and I have received so many kind hearts ready to send to someone that feels slighted. Thank you for that, but that may also cause a problem. If you feel sorry for someone for any reason please contact that person directly to exchange contact information. I will no longer forward anyones information to anyone that is not their assigned Angel. The variety of "weird happenings" with this exchange has been unbelievable. I could write a book. In any case I will do what I need to to protect all Angel's feelings.

Now with regards to the "reveal". I have not chosen a date as of yet. I will not be disclosing your Angel's name to you prior to the reveal. I will not disclose that information at all. If you want to PM your Angelee to "out yourself" I will say you can do that as of December 1st. If your Angel does not reveal herself to you please do not ask me for this information, so it is possible that you may never know who your Angel is. I have tried to make this as fun as possible but so many things have gone array, I am sorry for that.

montanaquilter 09-12-2010 10:45 AM

yes Kwhite, i am sorry that this exchange didn't go as planned or as expected. i think that the thought behind it was very good but...i suppose life gets in the way of most people. you did an awesome job though and i thank you for all your help and the way that you organized this for all of us.

mcdaniel023 09-12-2010 11:16 AM

Thanks kwhite for being our mother angel. I know it has been tough for you. I was blessed with a wonderful angel and have enjoyed being an angel. Hugs to you.

Gramakitten 09-12-2010 11:43 AM

Kwhite. I have one of the best angels that you could get on here. This has been the most fun, I will honor your asking to wait until Dec to reveal. But I hope that I will be friends with both my angel Francis and my angelee for a long time. Francis I received my package. Will wait to open then post pictures. Thank you I know it will be wonderful and well worth the wait. Kathi

quilt addict 09-12-2010 12:30 PM

I want to thank my wonderful angel. I received a nice package with some candles and a spa set. Sorry I cannot post pictures as I had to use a different computer than home. Thank you so much, you have been wonderful.

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