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sewnsewer2 09-12-2010 03:38 PM

Originally Posted by Charlee
I have to say that my ANGEL is the BEST angel anyone could ever hope for!!

Yep! I got yet another package from this sweet person today...with a beautiful Fall Angel, a kickin' mini quilt kit, and the cutest tea towel with a pumpkin pie recipe on it! I just think everything is wonderful, and so, My Angel, are YOU!! Thank you so VERY MUCH!! :)

Beautiful! I collect angels!

Chrickett 09-12-2010 03:40 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Dojo what a beautifull quilt, you did great girl.

Originally Posted by dojo36
i finished this top this evening. a friend suggested i do the border from the same squares as in the middle of each block and i liked it. now to decide what to bind it with. i'm in favor of the black with the tiny white polka dots. what do yall think? or should I do the green in the sashing and first border? decisions, decisions. i have 2 more embroidery thingies to do.

Charlee 09-12-2010 03:41 PM

Originally Posted by PuffinGin
Charlee and other Angelees: Love seeing pictures and hearing about notes, letters, and pressies your angels sent. I believe my angel is the best one; so does this mean that we all have the bestest angel?

We all have the bestest angels....but mine is the bestest of the bestest!!!! :lol:

Chrickett 09-12-2010 03:49 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Thank you for the reveal info, and as far as you doing a good job , this was one large job, and I believe you have done a wonderful job. We who have complained , know better and we offer our aplogy to you. this has been a very fun exchange and I have loved every thing I have received. and I get a kick out of my anglee when she posts her goodies. So you keep your spirits up and have a great day.

Originally Posted by kwhite
I have one more replacement to make. I have removed all of the "fallen Angel's" that I know about. There have been some really hurt feelings over this exchange. I ask that you do not get on here and complain about not receiving anything for X amount of time. You do not know your Angels circumstance and complaining here may add salt to the already wounded Angel. If you have issues please work them out with me and not on here. There are some very thoughtful and generous people associated with this exchange and I have received so many kind hearts ready to send to someone that feels slighted. Thank you for that, but that may also cause a problem. If you feel sorry for someone for any reason please contact that person directly to exchange contact information. I will no longer forward anyones information to anyone that is not their assigned Angel. The variety of "weird happenings" with this exchange has been unbelievable. I could write a book. In any case I will do what I need to to protect all Angel's feelings.

Now with regards to the "reveal". I have not chosen a date as of yet. I will not be disclosing your Angel's name to you prior to the reveal. I will not disclose that information at all. If you want to PM your Angelee to "out yourself" I will say you can do that as of December 1st. If your Angel does not reveal herself to you please do not ask me for this information, so it is possible that you may never know who your Angel is. I have tried to make this as fun as possible but so many things have gone array, I am sorry for that.

Charlee 09-12-2010 03:51 PM

Miz Karen...all I'm going to say is that YOU ROCK!! :)

karielt 09-13-2010 06:34 AM

I to want to thank you! It’s so hard to be in charge of something like this and you have had to take the brunt of it both good and bad. You are the truest and most cherished Angel on the board. Bless you for all your hard work. Everyone on here owes you a big hug and a special Head angel gift for your dedication and help with this swap. Believe me you have touched my life. Thank you again! :) :)

OdessaQuilts 09-13-2010 06:37 AM

To My Angel:

I got a Priority Mail Envelope last week, from a company I know that I didn't order from, and on the mailing label, it says: "Do not open until 9/21/10" (my birthday).

I assume it is from you; don't know who else could have sent it. I put it on the ironing board for now for safekeeping ... haven't had a lot of time to sew lately. But, it keeps whispering my name whenever I am in the room ("Odessa ... Odessa ... Odessa"), so I am having trouble staying away from it.

If it is from you, thank you so much! I will be sure to post when I open it and give you a proper thank you.

(I am soooooo excited!)

And to KWhite: Thank you for everything you have done to get this swap up and running. We who are involved, whether good or "slipped" Angels or Angelees, appreciate all of your efforts and hard work. We could not have made these friends as easily without your asssistance. As someone else said, "you rock!" Blessings to you, dearest Mother Angel.

sewjoyce 09-13-2010 07:35 AM

K--just wanted to take a sec to thank you for all you've done for this swap. It has been really enjoyable for me and am saddened that it didn't happen for all. I'm also saddened for those who will never know who their angels are -- personally, that would just drive me crazy (DH says it's a short trip :lol: )

OdessaQuilts 09-13-2010 07:44 AM

Originally Posted by sewjoyce
K--just wanted to take a sec to thank you for all you've done for this swap. It has been really enjoyable for me and am saddened that it didn't happen for all. I'm also saddened for those who will never know who their angels are -- personally, that would just drive me crazy (DH says it's a short trip :lol: )

sewjoyce, my husband says the same thing about me! Do you think they're secretly comparing notes about just how "crazy" their wives are .... taking perfectly good fabric, cutting it up into little pieces, only to make a big piece of fabric out of it again? I mean, my husband says he can understand cutting up a flat sheet of fabric, sewing it back together and having a shirt, a jacket, pants, or some such thing, but to cut it up and re-sew it back into a big sheet of fabric again? It blows his mind!

sewjoyce 09-13-2010 08:10 AM

Originally Posted by OdessaQuilts

Originally Posted by sewjoyce
K--just wanted to take a sec to thank you for all you've done for this swap. It has been really enjoyable for me and am saddened that it didn't happen for all. I'm also saddened for those who will never know who their angels are -- personally, that would just drive me crazy (DH says it's a short trip :lol: )

sewjoyce, my husband says the same thing about me! Do you think they're secretly comparing notes about just how "crazy" their wives are .... taking perfectly good fabric, cutting it up into little pieces, only to make a big piece of fabric out of it again? I mean, my husband says he can understand cutting up a flat sheet of fabric, sewing it back together and having a shirt, a jacket, pants, or some such thing, but to cut it up and re-sew it back into a big sheet of fabric again? It blows his mind!

they could be talking to each other :lol: :lol: But some of my female friends think I'm nuts too....and my stepdaughters -- woohoo -- I talk about quilting and they just get the "deer in the headlight" look :lol: :lol:

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