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sewnsewer2 09-13-2010 05:23 PM

Originally Posted by OdessaQuilts

Originally Posted by sewjoyce
K--just wanted to take a sec to thank you for all you've done for this swap. It has been really enjoyable for me and am saddened that it didn't happen for all. I'm also saddened for those who will never know who their angels are -- personally, that would just drive me crazy (DH says it's a short trip :lol: )

sewjoyce, my husband says the same thing about me! Do you think they're secretly comparing notes about just how "crazy" their wives are .... taking perfectly good fabric, cutting it up into little pieces, only to make a big piece of fabric out of it again? I mean, my husband says he can understand cutting up a flat sheet of fabric, sewing it back together and having a shirt, a jacket, pants, or some such thing, but to cut it up and re-sew it back into a big sheet of fabric again? It blows his mind!

Odessa, my DH says the same thing to me too! :lol:

Gramakitten 09-14-2010 02:37 AM

My Birthday gift is in the bedroom looking at me, calling me, talking to me. I can open it on Thursday a day early. I will wait. Thanks Francis for making my week ===waiting for me--talking to me==calling me. Happy Birthday to all of the other Virgo's here. GK/Kathi

KGoodhand 09-14-2010 04:45 AM

Happy birthday to all you lovely people who have celebrated already in September or are going to!
Everyone seems to be getting just beautiful gifts!!!
These angels are so good!

sewnsewer2 09-14-2010 05:49 AM

My birthday is this month too (libra), the 28th!

Happy Birthday Virgo's!

karielt 09-14-2010 08:08 AM

Good morning my dear Ethel,
Just wanted you to know I got your soooooo Cute card yesterday. It made me laugh. Don't worry I totally understand the CRAZY stuff. Your wonderful and I mean that! You concentrate on you and your family. You have already blessed me so much. Luv yah.

karielt 09-14-2010 12:15 PM

Loving the new stuff on this site I just found if you add your angelee to your buddy list by their name it has TOPICS now its easier for me to see what she is up to.

Gramakitten 09-15-2010 03:35 AM

Are we going to do this again next year? It will be so lonesome without someone to watch out for or be watched over. I for one would love to do it again. Kathi

karielt 09-15-2010 06:18 AM

I ditto that...gather the names that did play nice and do it again. This has been so fun.

wvdek 09-15-2010 06:36 AM


I imagine you could write a book with all that has happened here.
How sad that these incidences have occurred and so many hurt feellings. Unfortuneately it is part of life and how we handle it tells alot about us as a people.

As to the 'reveal', I want my Angel to know that if she wants me to know who she is that is fine and if not that is ok too. Sound weird? No, not to me. I have had Secret Pals in the past and to this day do not know who they were. It was fun. For almost 6 years I have been a Secret Prayer Partner for a church we used to go to. We chose a name and vowed to pray for them for the remainder of our lives. To this day, my partner does not know how I have prayed for her through her fathers death, her numerous moves, problems with her child, and the most recent, she just graduated from nursing school.
I will tell my Angelee if she wants to know. Do I expect anything in return at the end of the year? Only a thank you will be sufficient.
As to my Angel-I could not do enough for you to thank you for being the bestest Angel on here. You have given me a life-long gift and that is the best treasure one could have.
Sorry, longwinded this morning. I'll get back to homework.

Grama Lehr 09-15-2010 06:36 AM

Good Morning Secret Quilt Angels!!
Boy is my face red! :oops: I have been really busy, and haven't had a chance to check my email lately. I sat down and went thru it yesterday, and low and behold, in my spam folder, there was an e-card! WOW!! :shock:
I immediately checked it out. I got a Labor Day card from my Teddy Bear #3. How sweet! You put the silliest grin on my face. :lol:
I've added you to my address book, so in the future, if you decide to take a chance and email me, you will get a much quicker response!!
Thank you, so very much!!

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