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pocoellie 09-15-2010 11:28 AM

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I received the cutest fabric yesterday, ordered from Betty by my SQA. I love it and all the previous gifts you've sent me, you've been very generous to me and I hope you want to be "revealed" in December because I would really like to get to know you.

Chrickett 09-15-2010 01:12 PM

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I hope we do this again next year I have loved it and enjoyed the wonderful things I received,

MNQuilter 09-15-2010 01:52 PM

K- I can only imagine all the work and stress you have put into this BIG exchange! I can only picture the communication you get about all this. I personally have no expectations of my angel so each gift is a nice surprise. I know that life happens and summers are crazy for a lot of people. I just hope that she is doing well and enjoyed her summer. I personally haven't fully decided if I'll reveal to my angel or not. I apologize to my angelee, as I've been off here a lot this summer due to some major changes in my life that have added stuff to my plate. Unfortunately, fun kinda took a backseat for now, but things seem to finally be settling a little.

Thanks K for all your work and keep it up!

Crafty1 09-15-2010 03:38 PM

Hi to my SQA! I received your card.... Thank You! Your really are great and you need not to worry as I am doing fine! I haven't been online for some time now because I haven't been feeling well and also I am trying to finish some UFO's! To make a long story short, my meds dosage increased a couple months ago so I am trying to get used to it. Hopefully when I see the dr. next month, everything will be back to normal and I can get back to being myself!

Thank you so much for caring! I hope to finally get to know who you are in December!

montanaquilter 09-16-2010 01:17 PM

SQA thank you for the gift. it was so sweet of you!! i received a book, "Just Desserts" and a honey bun! Just got it in the mail today. Love the colors and the book, you have very good taste!! Hope your summer has been treating you well. Mine has been overwhelmingly busy! Now, with my daughter in kindergarten and my middle boy a senior and my oldest child in his 2nd year of college i don't see myself slowing down even a little!!HAHA

Gramakitten 09-16-2010 02:43 PM

My Dear Francis, Thank you so much for the book. I love it and the name "Quilts are forever" wrapped in roses. How special. Thank you thank you thank you. I did sign up for the rockin chair money today. It is official. Can;t wait to meet in the winter. Kathi

Gramakitten 09-17-2010 01:46 AM

Some of the Michigan QuiltingBoarders met in Clare Wednesday. What a good time that we had. Francis I got your card this morning. It is so pretty and it brought tears to my eyes. I haven't had a "Birthday cake" in years. Thank you so much for making this past year so special. I can hardly wait to meet you and give you a hug so tight we will be together forever.

kwhite 09-17-2010 07:47 AM

If your Angel does not reveal herself to you please do not ask me for this information, so it is possible that you may never know who your Angel is.

I have no control over the choices of the Angels. In a perfect world all would choose to send somewhat regularly and all would have a good time. This is not what has occured. Some have done very well while others.... In any case come Christmas I expect there will be a number of disappointed Angelees. As I have said before I don't know all of the circumstances of the Angels and so as to not start a bunch of hurt fueds I feel if the Angel does not choose to reveal herself at the beginning of Dec then I do not feel it is my place to out her. My choice to allow all Angels to out themselves at the beginning of Dec is so that if between the two they want to exchange gifts back and forth they can do so. I will not let my Angel know who I am prior to the final package where I will let her know who I am. IF a final package is sent in December I expect all will reveal their identity to their Angelee. I truly hope all that are left will do so. I would hate to have a bunch of hurt Angels at Christmas. Trupeach I think you are getting confused with the "out yourself" date (Dec 1) and the final gift reveal later in the month (TBD). I hope this clears things up for you and anyone else who was confused.

trupeach1 09-17-2010 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by kwhite

If your Angel does not reveal herself to you please do not ask me for this information, so it is possible that you may never know who your Angel is.

OK so what you are saying is the we DO out ourself with the last pressie???????????? That makes all the difference in the world.

Just wondering how many started last year and how many are left since you said you "hope all that are left"? Did a lot drop out?????

PuffinGin 09-17-2010 08:24 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Yesterday was DH and my anniversary and we decided, what with our normal, late garden season chores (tomatoes ripening, squash and other veggies ripening, other outside work to be done before fall/winter sets in, family and friend visits, etc.), that we'd forgo a little get away as we'd previously planned and just stay home doing chores and a nice dinner out near home. Things were humming along and I was just thinking I should go call DH in from staining my screenhouse (really my job) when I heard a car pull up. Sounded like DH's van. I wondered briefly where he'd gone then when I looked out the window, there was a florist's van. My Dear SQA, Lula, sent us a lovely bouquet for our anniversary. I was so touched as was DH too! I love flowers and grow them in my flower beds but seldom get flowers from a florist. Truly a special surprise. Thank you again, Dear Lula.

Here's a pic so you see how beautiful they are:

Puffin admires lovely bouquet from Lula

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