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diannemc 01-16-2010 05:30 AM

I just want my secret angel to know I am thankful for my gift..( cutest angel fabric, heart buttons, and a plack that reads..I'm sew happy!)I have not been able to post picture..I don't have a camera so have to wait for DD to come home from school...I just want to say, I don't want my secret angel to be burdened with this..I don't expect something all the time, and if my secret angel can't send another thing that is just fine with me..I know how life is and you never know from day to day what will happen...Thanks again..

brushandthimble 01-16-2010 06:29 AM

Originally Posted by Oklahoma Lightning
I have been looking at post and who sent them and there some of the neatness and different handles on here. Like brabus or Sugar pumpkin. so, I got to thinking it might be fun to tell how we picked a handle.
My name Kathryn and I am called Oklahoma Lightning.
I picked my name from a country song that is about lightning.
I started raising Heritage turkeys this year and was looking for a name for Back Yard Chickens where I belong. I want something that said where I was from and people would remember. I had been sing that song for days. So, I decided that would be my name. It has worked so good for my business that I now have applied for a pickup tag with that on it from my tribe. My new Web site for my turkeys will carry the name. The opening picture will have lightning in it along with the Heritage turkeys.
That my story and I am stucking to it.

I like your name and why you choose it. I would love to hear from others on how/why they choose their "handles"?

brushandthimble= I wanted to combine both my hobbies / teaching subjects; brush =I have been teaching tole painting for over 20 years, only as a hobby , I also teach quilting for the past 10 years. I love needle turn applique and hand sewing bindings, and I use thimbles to do these:)

sandpat 01-16-2010 06:49 AM

Somewhere on the board is a loooong thread with everyone's explanation of their screen name...I can't find it right now though. Its interesting to read though.

Chrickett 01-16-2010 07:41 AM

Truepeach, I am sorry you have had a terrable week,I hope that this new week will bring you some happiness. I will pray for you and hope things smooth our for you.

GladGrams 01-16-2010 09:01 AM

My Special Angelee has not heard from me - and for that I am so sorry. I am stuck in America as my husband has been hospitalized and they are still testing. Cannot get back across the ocean for at least another week or so. When he is discharged I will have some breath to mail off the fun package to make her smile. I will send a note about a gift I may have rec'd at home when I finally get there.

Not to worry, we are doing well and being well cared for by the hospital people and local family. Expect definite answers soon and maybe a discharge today.

sharon b 01-16-2010 09:31 AM

Tru and GladGrams so sorry for all your difficulties

With all the angels here hopefully things will get better for all

Gramakitten 01-16-2010 09:33 AM

I have just gotten home. Spent some time learning how to retire. I did real well too!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOO to my special angel that has been so good to me. I'm home haave received all of your cards and gifts. THANKS I'm one special angel this year. I am going to try to make the mini fabric ornaments this afternoon. I have a busy 2 weeks ahead of me. Gwen Marston is coming to our guild to do a lecture and workshops. I am the lucky girl in our guild to have the honor of her staying in my home and sewing room. To you that know Gwen you know how funny she is and to you that don't --Take a class from her any chance you get. She is cutting way back on her classes and lectures.

I hope my angel has received her packages and looking forward to the many more that are on the way.

sharon b 01-16-2010 09:34 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Also I heard from my Angel today ! YIPEE and so clever... she ( and I say she as we didn't have any hims sign up LOL) sent a pattern with a couple fat quarters and a note to be watching for more fat quarters :shock: And two so cute potholders ! LOVE IT ALL
THANK YOU :thumbup:

Gramakitten 01-16-2010 10:47 AM

My name is Katherine Thompson--my husband calls me Kat, my nieces and nephews call me Aunt Kate. My friends call me Kathi--I am a Grandmother of 8--I have the 4 of the most beautiful granddaughters in the world, and 4 handsome grandsons. So Gramakitten just works for me.

Gramakitten 01-16-2010 11:35 AM

to my secret angel--I just looked at all the goodies that was on my desk ---Our personal mail comes to our office--Mints in a quilting tin, notebook, note cards and a journal--I will try to figure out how to post pictures on monday. Just here catching up on a months worth of mail. Again Secret angel THANK YOU.

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