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Grama Lehr 10-08-2010 09:30 AM

Sugar Pumpkin, I hate to break this to you. . . . . . .
but. . . . . . pack it all up, she sent it to the wrong address!
She should have sent it to my house!! :lol: :lol: L.O.L.
You can keep the night light, I'm not into owls, but the rest of the package should have gone to my house!!!
I will PM you my address, so you can still mail it today!
:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
Heck!! You live in California, I will stop by and pick it up!!

Sugarpumpkin 10-08-2010 09:55 AM

LOL Grama Lehr!!

I was in such a good mood opening the package!
She knew just what to send!

I have to go to a Memorial tomorrow for a close family friend that passed away on the 3rd unexpectedly. It will be a rough day tomorrow, but I get to come home to my owls ;)

harleyquinn2323 10-08-2010 02:11 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Put some of the fabric that my sqa sent me to use...Plus I have another in the works that I will get pics of when it's a completed top...thanks sqa :)

SaraSewing 10-08-2010 02:14 PM

That fall decoration with the screen behind the 'windows' is absolutely adorable! LOVE IT!

GladGrams 10-08-2010 04:05 PM

My Laverne Angel is a blessing.

I returned home to find a special envelope with that distinctive writing on the envelope - didn't get it til last night because my husband "organized" (he has ADHD) my mail for me...

I will get a picture up today, it's 2AM here - I am doing the jet-lag dance... so up at all hours. :-)

mcdaniel023 10-09-2010 03:39 AM

HarleyQuinn that is beautiful. Nice gifts everyone.

charismah 10-10-2010 01:22 PM

I just want to post a thank you to my SQA! She sent me such a cute card yesterday! Thank YOu so much!

karielt 10-11-2010 02:11 AM

Ethel thanks for the wonderful card. Now even more confused. I think I have been talking to you and didn't even know it. Like the hints in the card but I'm still in the dark. I'm so excited we have so much in common!! And yes you have been sneaky. Ladies I have gotten mail from AL Del UT AZ CA WY she has been a busy angel. I plan on sending pictures to you when this is over cause You have a friend forever. Thank you again for everything, you have blessed my life!

harleyquinn2323 10-11-2010 02:28 PM

Received a package from what I can only assume was my SQA on Saturday. It was full of breath-taking batiks, a calendar of beautiful quilts, and ever so useful needles. Thank you! I appreciate it - I will get pictures up as soon as I get my camera back from my daughter :)

imjustme 10-11-2010 05:21 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I got a new SQA and a package in the mail full of goodies. I love the fabrics they are very pretty. There is another package that came with my box but I am not allowed to open it until Nov 1. It's going to be soo hard not to open it. I will try my best, but I am not making any promises lol.
thank you angel

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