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kwhite 10-24-2010 02:46 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Look what I got last week sometime. DH "forgot" to tell me until yesterday. Thanks ANgel. So sorry that it too this long to post. That is what I get for going back to work at a job where DH get's home to get the mail two hours before I do. Now I will never know if I get mail.

ligia 10-24-2010 03:01 PM

Sent something to my angelee in the beginning of the month.
Vendor informs he sent off the gift.
I see her posts on QB regarding other subjects
Tried to find out if she got the gift - unsucessfully.
Its frustrating. To me SQA is ended .

Darlene loves Chocolates 10-24-2010 03:15 PM

Originally Posted by ligia
Sent something to my angelee in the beginning of the month.
Vendor informs he sent off the gift.
I see her posts on QB regarding other subjects
Tried to find out if she got the gift - unsucessfully.
Its frustrating. To me SQA is ended .

I am so sorry to hear about your Angelee.....
Just know that others are getting gifts and giving gifts....
And sometimes people are busy or rude....
But most of us are truly thankful of the kindness being shared.
My SQA somehow is able to send me cards and gifts month after month and trust me, it lifts my spirits...
it would not surprise me if your Angelee is having her spirit lifted by your gift,
please don't give up....and if you do give up...be sure to join the SQA next year.

mjsylvstr 10-24-2010 03:19 PM

Originally Posted by Gramakitten
MJ I love your new avatar. Did you make it? Is it a pattern?

Thanks, yes, I did make it.

I got the pattern last year right after Halloween....so I thought I would use it this year. Gave me plenaty of time !!!!!

but it is a very easy pattern ...only took two nights.

It's a PP...which I really enjoy.

Darlene loves Chocolates 10-24-2010 03:21 PM

3 Attachment(s)

my camera is charged....but the pictures are fuzzy but I am posting them anyway....

as I do not want to put this off....later tonight or tomorrow, I will take more pictures hopefully better ones and post some more

but in the meantime...here are some photos


i do promise to take better pictures as you gotta see this treat basket!!!!

There was more chocolate but clearly I ATE IT!!!!

Lovely Fabric and easy to see thread for my failing vision!!!!!

look at the detail on the treat basket and the chocolate fabric!!!!

mcdaniel023 10-24-2010 03:41 PM

Originally Posted by ligia
Sent something to my angelee in the beginning of the month.
Vendor informs he sent off the gift.
I see her posts on QB regarding other subjects
Tried to find out if she got the gift - unsucessfully.
Its frustrating. To me SQA is ended .

How sad. Hugs!

Catlady 10-24-2010 03:42 PM

Hope my SQA is doing okay. Haven't heard from her in

sewjoyce 10-24-2010 04:22 PM

Darlene, what yummy looking gifts -- and what do you mean, YOU actually EAT chocolate??? :lol: :lol: :lol:

kwhite 10-24-2010 04:28 PM

Yes it was from your Angel. She sent a message for you through me. It was a while ago. Sorry for the delay.

"I know you love this time of year - there is a package coming your way, should be on your doorstep soon - love shopping online for you!

You've been very busy, making some fabulous quilts - well done "

Originally Posted by harleyquinn2323
Received a package from what I can only assume was my SQA on Saturday. It was full of breath-taking batiks, a calendar of beautiful quilts, and ever so useful needles. Thank you! I appreciate it - I will get pictures up as soon as I get my camera back from my daughter :)

sewnsewer2 10-24-2010 05:19 PM

Wow there are some great angels flying around! Great pressies everyone!

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