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Gramakitten 10-31-2010 03:48 PM

I chatted with my angel Francis today by e-mail. I made a table runner this weekend at a retreat held by my guild. When it is totally finished I will post pictures. I have had a wonderful angel and think that I have been a good angel. I have had a great time sending, picking out and just watching for her response. Which was almost immediately. Even better than my responses to my angel. I will reveal to my angel who I am and hope to have a long time relationship with her. She has children that I would love to hear about as they grow up.'' I am working on a package for her as I type. Look out angel here it comes.

And I TOTALY agree with TruPeach. No excuses.

jetnica 10-31-2010 04:39 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Tomorrow is my birthday, and while I don't expect a gift from my SQA - just to know you are okay would be nice. Please PM me if you need to - I'd rather know you are okay than to worry about "runing" the suprise.

I'm a worrier by nature, and I'm worried about you.

to my little anglee -- I made you a wallhanging today. You'll get it in your GIANT December box. =) thank you for making me smile today.

Here's a Sneak Peak. I wonder if my Angelee has guessed that It's me yet?

Gramakitten 11-01-2010 05:00 AM

to my angel Francis the zip code for my florida address is 32221. I am working on a mini quilt for my angel too. will post pictures when done. love that idea. GK

Grama Lehr 11-01-2010 05:58 AM

Originally Posted by Dawn Hendrix
I am thinking about a little seek a quilt for my reveal... I am going to make a mini quilt and send it to my Angel... and then when we reveal ourselves I will change my avatar to the mini I sent her and she will have to find me... sorta make it a little hunting expedition... what do you guys thinkof this idea?

Cute idea!!

sewjoyce 11-01-2010 06:34 AM

Jetnica -- I LOVE your little wallhanging -- it's just precious!

karielt 11-01-2010 06:47 AM

Beautiful work jetnica I'm sure your angel will be very happy to have it. :)

lfw045 11-01-2010 06:49 AM

I got an e-card from my SQA....thanks so much for thinking of me!!!!

Grama Lehr 11-01-2010 07:02 AM

Jetnica, your flower wall hanging is adorable!! Did you paper piece it? Or embroider it??

mjsylvstr 11-01-2010 07:05 AM

Originally Posted by jetnica
Tomorrow is my birthday, and while I don't expect a gift from my SQA - just to know you are okay would be nice. Please PM me if you need to - I'd rather know you are okay than to worry about "runing" the suprise.

I'm a worrier by nature, and I'm worried about you.

to my little anglee -- I made you a wallhanging today. You'll get it in your GIANT December box. =) thank you for making me smile today.

if your angelee didn't know who you were before, she will now....
quilt is cute.......

Chrickett 11-01-2010 08:32 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I can say my anglee has always thanked me for her things, and I have thanked mine for ending me such wonderful things. it only takes a minute to be polite. I am so looking towaards christmas, and sending a box to my anglee. I wish I knew what she wanted it would make it more fun. I will knwo when she posts her request, so give me some Ideas girls.

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