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gramqlts 11-03-2010 08:52 AM

DOJO....you got some really neat stuff.

I thought I had missed a message somewhere when I kept seeing the time and no date. Will wait patiently to find out tho.

I love the idea about making a mini and putting it on avatar for "hunt and seek". Neat idea!

trupeach1 11-03-2010 09:32 AM

Originally Posted by gramqlts
To reveal or not to reveal.....that is the question! Not really, I plan to tell mine who I am.

Trupeach1...if you don't do caffeine, I can't imagine you with caffeine...lol. You would be wired then! Love you girlfriend. You're one of the first friends I made on here and I cherish our friendship. You are so much fun!! (with or without caffeine) lol

And my dear angel you know I have been good to you and on time each and every month with a perfectly pick pressie I am sure when you find out I am your angel you will say to yourself........MY GOD THAT CAN"T BE HER

dojo36 11-03-2010 09:51 AM

Originally Posted by gramqlts
DOJO....you got some really neat stuff.

I thought I had missed a message somewhere when I kept seeing the time and no date. Will wait patiently to find out tho.

I love the idea about making a mini and putting it on avatar for "hunt and seek". Neat idea!

thank you gramqlts, i love all the fabric too. my angel has been too good to me. the "hunt and seek" is a cute idea for people who have enough time to do that, and the online chat is good idea too except for the ones that work and don't have the time for that either. so I plan on "doing it my way" and letting my angelee know who i am in my Christmas package to her. that is what will work best for me. i think everybody should do it "their own way". if you wanna shout it from your rooftop, that would work too. i haven't been as diligent as i should have been with this and i apologize but i have enjoyed it and all the people on here and all the beautiful things everybody makes, i just love looking at it all and putting some on my "to do" list. a great bunch of very talented people on here.

diannemc 11-03-2010 04:29 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Thank you! thank you! my sweet Secret Angel for all the goodies!! I just love everything!!! I needed the potholders and kitchen towels so bad! The bowl is beautiful! And the candy corn is my favorite candy!! Thank you again so much!

Aurora 11-03-2010 05:35 PM

It is 8:00 p.m. for me as well!

Dreaming 11-03-2010 08:50 PM

That is really cute!!!

trupeach1 11-03-2010 09:04 PM

Originally Posted by trupeach1

Originally Posted by gramqlts
To reveal or not to reveal.....that is the question! Not really, I plan to tell mine who I am.

Trupeach1...if you don't do caffeine, I can't imagine you with caffeine...lol. You would be wired then! Love you girlfriend. You're one of the first friends I made on here and I cherish our friendship. You are so much fun!! (with or without caffeine) lol

And my dear angel you know I have been good to you and on time each and every month with a perfectly pick pressie I am sure when you find out I am your angel you will say to yourself........MY GOD THAT CAN"T BE HER


trupeach1 11-03-2010 09:14 PM

I see my comments have been deleted yet Kwhite's comments that she made to me are still here. Can anyone tell me why???????

kwhite 11-04-2010 06:11 AM

Ok folks. The date and time for the reveal if you choose to participate is in chat on December 16th at 8 PM Est USA.

Please mail your final package with your identity and if you would like to join us in chat for the group reveal you may want to put onto your box not to open until December 16th.

Also please mail by Thanksgiving so your packages will show up on time. If you are mailing out of the country you will have to mail earlier then that. You have been mailing all year though so you should have a good idea how ling it will take. I will also send an e-mail with this same information.

Chrickett 11-04-2010 07:11 AM

Thank youK White for the information, and I am sorry that you have been geting a lot of flack. I for one have enjoyed this secret Quilt Angel, and hope someone will take it up next year. Have a good day.


Originally Posted by kwhite
Ok folks. The date and time for the reveal if you choose to participate is in chat on December 16th at 8 PM Est USA.

Please mail your final package with your identity and if you would like to join us in chat for the group reveal you may want to put onto your box not to open until December 16th.

Also please mail by Thanksgiving so your packages will show up on time. If you are mailing out of the country you will have to mail earlier then that. You have been mailing all year though so you should have a good idea how ling it will take. I will also send an e-mail with this same information.

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