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Barbm 12-18-2010 07:19 AM

I will post my pics later. I realized I took a pic of all the gifts before I opened them. I was really impressed with the choice of wrapping paper- I like to save wrapping paper (ask my kids it embarrasses them) and I was eying up the "Mater" paper. My SQA is Grama Lehr (Marie).

I downloaded the pics and then realized I didn't take "after" pics. Duh! Will do so later, off to ds & dil's to clean and paint their new house.

Loving all the gifts pics everyone is posting!

Sugarpumpkin 12-18-2010 09:50 AM

Originally Posted by krob
Wow, WOW and triple WOW!!!! My Secret Quilt Angel was Nikki aka SugarPumpkin!!!! You certainly out did yourself!!! I LOVE my huge package!!! SOOOOOO much stuff!! What a pleasent surprise I got last night when I returned from Denver!! I don't know how to take a picture and post it so I will tell ya'll about ALL the package held!!!! I am in AWE!! You are AWESOME Nikki! You have made me feel soooo much better about this holiday season! See, we had a fire the day before Thanksgiving---we are living in 1/3 of our house--bedroom,kitchen and breakfast room. All the rest of our furniture is in storage, still have charred wood in fireplace area as they just released the house back to us so repairs can hopefully start this Monday, but we may have to wait until after the first of the year. We were so blessed in so many ways. But your package has just made me feel better about everything--Thank You Nikki, you were a GREAT Secret Quilt Angel!!! And now for my long list!!!!!-a gourmet shortbread & chocolate cookie pop (he's almost too cute to eat!), a red jingle bell ornament, an apple pie candle in a little tin so it looks just like a small apple pie and smells so good,wait, there's more....socks with a Scottie dog on them, really pretty fingernail files, wait there's still more---4 yes 4 much needed Shea Butter facial masks, recipe cards so no more writing on a napkin!!!, a cute journal so I can sketch little girl dress designs in (saw one just yesterday, so I'll sketch it today),a sinful looking milk chocolate peppermint ball-yum!!!, and 15, yes 15 different 1 generous yard pieces of FABRIC!!!!!! Yes 15 yards of fabric!!! Can you believe???? I am in Heaven!!! How can I ever thank you enough?!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you Nikki!!! What a wonderful day I am having!!!

I am so glad you liked your package!
I am so sorry to hear about the fire in your house!
Let me know if there is anything you need!!!

dannypanny 12-18-2010 10:47 AM

Hi such lovely gifts have been received by everyone. Unfortunately my angel lost her way and I received only up to March. I cannot blame her as I do live in South Africa and postage is expensive.
to my Angelee Aussie Croydon I apologise that you did not receive as much as everyone else did. But I still have a few things to send you.

To kwhite, thanks for all the trouble you went through to make everyone happy... I know I gave you a few grey hairs...

To everyone have a blessed Christmas full of joy, love and laughter. May 2011 be a great year for all of you.
ciao ciao

PuffinGin 12-18-2010 12:30 PM

3 Attachment(s)
My SQA Lula revealed herself to me on the chat on the 16th. My angel is Odessa Quilts, who I'd been working with on the surprise thank you for kwhite for some time. Isn't that funny!? And it tickled her that I didn't guess. I got a spectacular reveal package from her yesterday. It's just full of very wonderful things, many, many wonderful things. Thank you so much Odessa for all the great and thoughtful presents and the wonderful letter you wrote. I'll post pictures but want to describe presents as well: a beautiful snowflake card, a canister full of homemade decorate snowflake cookies, two framed pictures of an angel she bought and put on her church's Angel tree in remembrance of my DH Darryl who died unexpectedly in early November (Oh, Odessa, can't help but cry over your thoughtfulness)...
3 fat eighth assortments in pink, teal and brown, 2 quilt magazines just full of great projects, Godiva chocolates, lovely Dresden Plate notecards and a beautiful porcelain angel for my tree. If this isn't overwhelming enough, she also sent a a fabulous fabric with gold threads and 4 coordinating fabrics to make a great project. I'll need some help from you, Odessa, on deciding what to make. Also we will work on the mystery quilt together this coming year because I didn't get to it earlier this year.

Thank you so much, my angel and my dear friend. You've truly touched my heart.

Some of the snowflakes cookies from the tin

Glorious stripe and 4 co-ordinating fabrics

PuffinGin 12-18-2010 12:36 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here's a closeup on the porcelain angel ornament so you can see what's written on it.

sewnsewer2 12-18-2010 12:51 PM

My adopted angels revealed themselves. They were OdessaQuilts and Dawn Hendrix Thanks for stepping in! Don't know who the other one is yet.

wvdek 12-18-2010 01:02 PM

Dear Ybridgegal (Diana),
Hello my Angel. I was totally surprised at who you are/were. Never guessed it was you, course I like surprises so I did not try very hard. :)
Anyway, please know I am not one bit concerned that the last of your lovely gifts to me will be sent later. If I never receive another goodie from you, that would be alright because I made a new friend first and foremost and you have been more than generous. You are a lovely person inside and out. Thank you so much for your love and generosity through the year.
Please PM me your address as I have a little something I would love to send you. It is not much, but I wanted to get you something for being the bestest Angel ever.
As ususal, I am running late myself. School finals took precedence over eveything else. I passed all classes-four A's, two B's, and a C in Anatomy and Phys. Whew! I did it! Thanks for your encouragement through the year. It meant alot to me.
Don't forget to PM me your addy.
Merry Christmas and many thanks for being so wonderful.

sewnsewer2 12-18-2010 04:25 PM

Originally Posted by sewnsewer2
My adopted angels revealed themselves. They were OdessaQuilts and Dawn Hendrix Thanks for stepping in! Don't know who the other one is yet.

Just found out the 3rd one was PuffinGin. Thank you! :D

sewnsewer2 12-18-2010 04:26 PM

Originally Posted by sewnsewer2
Here's my banner from Jaye-Lee. I just LOVE it!! How did you know this is my favorite banner? I made a big one for my LR last year. :lol:

She also included this adorable ornament which I promptly hung on my tree. The banner is hanging up too!

Thank you Jaye-Lee, I love them! Hope you like yours too.

OOPS! Posted this in the wrong place. Can some one remove it please. Thanks.

STAR 12-18-2010 07:03 PM

Originally Posted by sewnsewer2
My adopted angels revealed themselves. They were OdessaQuilts and Dawn Hendrix Thanks for stepping in! Don't know who the other one is yet.

It was me!

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