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laparshall 01-27-2010 12:12 PM

Originally Posted by imjustme
I got something from my secret quilt angel in the mail. It's waiting for me when I get home. I can't wait to open it.

imjustme: The anticpation is buidling. Can't wait to see what you got.

quiltingbee12 01-27-2010 01:36 PM

Well, I went to the PO today. I'd been watching my box like a hawk, waiting for my SQA package. I got there, and there were TWO of them waiting for me!!
Some beautiful civil war fat quarters and a civil war pattern to go with them(that I can't wait to use, I'd been looking for the perfect pattern and I think I found it) and a book with patterns for bags and table runners. Also some dots to put on rulers, and a key ring with a mini thimble on it. I loved the bird card, very pretty!

Thank you so much SQA!!!! I love my gifts :) :)

amma 01-27-2010 03:45 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I finally received 2 packages from the PO today that my neighbors forgot to give me :roll: and one was from my Secret Quilt Angel :D:D:D

Thank you so much for all of the wonderful I Spy Squares :D:D:D
They are all awesome!!! I have been collecting for a while now, and my goal is to make 14+ of these quilts for my Grandkids and future Great-Grand kids :D:D:D I will very proudly add these to my collection. :D:D:D

My Awesome Gift, I Spy Blocks

sandpat 01-27-2010 04:04 PM

Originally Posted by trupeach
I received a gift from my SQA. I am beginning to think it could be Sandpat

Tru....I'm actually shocked that you think I would send you a frog! Now IF I was your SQA...which I'm not saying I AM...and I'm not saying I NOT...wouldn't you think that I would think a frog would be a little obvious????? You seem to think all frogs are associated with me (which I really don't understand..but

:roll: )...Do you REALLY think I would do that???

Sounds cute though...enjoy your soup!

sandpat 01-27-2010 04:05 PM

amma...those I spys are really great! Looks like a good haul of them!

quiltingbee...I'd be drooling all over your civil war fabs... :D

lfw045 01-27-2010 04:23 PM

Big sigh.

mcdaniel023 01-27-2010 04:26 PM

Originally Posted by lfw045
Big sigh.

From me, too.

tlrnhi 01-27-2010 04:31 PM

LOL Patti.
You are associated with frogs and I am associated with lizards. lol

redquilter 01-27-2010 04:36 PM

I received a wonderful book today from my Angel. It's called The Open Canvas and is an encyclopedia of openwork techniques. (pulled canvas, needleweaving, etc.) It's really fabulous and I'm itching to put it to use. I guess my Angel knows I like all kinds of needlework! Thank you so very much, whoever you are. You are soooooo generous and thoughtful.

A little sneaky too I might add. My angel had another board member act as "surrogate" angel and she sent the book to me. Unless, you are my angel and you're just trying to throw me off the track! Hmmmmm.........

Janstar 01-27-2010 04:43 PM

Oh, that's a good idea! Hummmmmmmmmmmmm!

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