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Chele 01-28-2010 10:15 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Another great surprise from my SQA! I've never seen candles on a rope before. Wish you could smell them, they're divine! And look at the gourmet chocolates, they're too pretty to eat! I may just shellac them and keep them forever. Yeah, right! Both of the pretty fabrics still have the selvages, which I collect! And the redwork pattern is something I've been wanting to try forever.

Thanks for all the goodies Angel O' Mine!

Chrys 01-28-2010 10:27 AM

I got a really cute "thinking of you" etched mirror saying on a little frame. It's sitting on my kitchen window sill. :) Thank you!!!

BTW, she asked what my boys names were and to post them, so...my oldest is James (he'll be 8 in April) and my lil' one is Andrew who is 5.

Gramakitten 01-28-2010 11:59 AM

I had such a fun week. I hosted Gwen Marston from Beaver Island this week. She taught at our guild tuesday and Wed. If you ever get a chance to take a class from her DO. She is a great teacher. and a really good friend. We did liberated baskets and folk art applique. Such a good time. Retreating this weekend. See, I said such a fun week. Glad to see everyone is having fun with their angels.

chewboo 01-28-2010 12:18 PM

somehow i lost this page and had to catch up from page 36
lots of fun things it was fun catching up

Chrickett 01-28-2010 01:45 PM

well my SQA is going to have a surprise very soon, I will be going to the post office on Monday to send a new pkg. I can't wait until she opens it.
I put a mouse in side andd am hoping it does not eat the chocolate.

redquilter 01-28-2010 01:47 PM

I can't believe this! My Angel sent another fabulous gift today. I've got to get a camera so I can show everyone. (maybe this weekend I can get my daughter to take pics with hers) There's a sweet red felt tote with a pink cherub appliqued on front and inside are the most gorgeous (9) batik FQ's. All in my favorite colors of greens and purples. Luscious! But wait - there's a cute heart shaped yo-yo maker (never saw that before) and an adorable "friends 4 ever" magnet AND a beautiful Valentine's card. I'm speechless and don't know what to say. Somehow, thank you doesn't seem to be enough. Who ever you are - you are one heck of a generous Angel. Merci, Gracias, Danke, Grazie.........well, you get the idea! Bless your heart!

STAR 01-28-2010 01:48 PM

I need to hurry and get a pkg ready for my person!! hhhmmmm what to get!! oh yeah it is VALENTINES!!! hope to get it out on time!

STAR 01-28-2010 01:49 PM

I didn't know you could make different shaped yo-yo's, well i guess I wouodn't since I have never made any!!

Grama Lehr 01-28-2010 01:54 PM

Yes, they have hearts, stars, flowers, circles, all in different sizes! They are pretty easy to figure out too.

Chrickett 01-28-2010 01:55 PM

I have yoyo makers and tha makes it real fast and easy, 3 sizes of circles 2 sizes of hearts and 2 for flowers. they are funto make in the evening watching tv or in the DR. office, while you wait to be served. Clotilde has them in her catolog.

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