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Leota 01-29-2010 07:55 AM

Well, I am gathering lots of goodies for my angelee.. :D I hope she like them.... I wonder if she likes mints... or candies... is she diabetic... or have other dietary concerns (eatting everything doesn't count *giggle*) What about cookies??? Waiting for pay day so I can get pretties :D hehehe... this is sooo fun...

tlrnhi 01-29-2010 07:56 AM

Originally Posted by Leota
Well, I am gathering lots of goodies for my angelee.. :D I hope she like them.... I wonder if she likes mints... or candies... is she diabetic... or have other dietary concerns (eatting everything doesn't count *giggle*) What about cookies??? Waiting for pay day so I can get pretties :D hehehe... this is sooo fun...

Nope, not diabetic at all! Only thing I can't eat is cucumbers. hehe
Just send ALL to me! :) :) :)

STAR 01-29-2010 08:20 AM

Terri!!! its for me! I am not diabetic but don't like mints. and I am not on any diet, if you could see me you would know,LOL!!!

Leota 01-29-2010 08:26 AM

Originally Posted by Leota
Well, I am gathering lots of goodies for my angelee.. :D I hope she like them.... I wonder if she likes mints... or candies... is she diabetic... or have other dietary concerns (eatting everything doesn't count *giggle*) What about cookies??? Waiting for pay day so I can get pretties :D hehehe... this is sooo fun...

The reason I wonder is because I DO have food allergies...I am very ALLERGIC to artificial sweetners.... I can't have sugar free stuff.... aw shucks,... I have to have the real stuff ;D

Sugarpumpkin 01-29-2010 08:31 AM

The real stuff is always better anyway!

I, on the other hand, am allergic to all nuts EXCEPT peanuts..and i just love chocolate and peanut butter! and chocolate and mint, and chocolate and caramel/toffee...infact...those three ways are the only way I will each chocolate (oh, also if it has a creamy fruit filling like orange, strawberry, cherry, raspberry, or lemon/lime). Otherwise, I don't really eat chocolate...don't like it on its own..Im a weird woman LOL

laparshall 01-29-2010 08:33 AM

I say error on the side of sending it, and then if your Angelee has restrictions that prevent her from eating it, she can find someone else to bless with it. If I happen to be your Angelee, I have no dietary restrictions, so send away. (I'll have to count the points, since I am on Weight Watchers though.)

SaraSewing 01-29-2010 08:48 AM

Originally Posted by Baren*eh*ked_canadian

OMG, I LOOOOVEEE that lizard fabric!!! Does it say on the selvage anywhere what it is a who makes it?

Nope nuthin' on the selvage. Ideas ran through my head all night for things to do with it!

ligia 01-29-2010 08:55 AM

Originally Posted by karielt
Ok I give what do you do with the salvage of the material?

www.selvagequilts.com 8-)

karielt 01-29-2010 09:48 AM

Hey I love all kinds of goodies leota go ahead and send it lol.... Ok If you my angel :) If not you can still send it lol

karielt 01-29-2010 09:53 AM

www.selvagequilts.com 8-)
thank you! That is so cool!

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