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emerald46 02-17-2011 04:11 AM

Wow! What an accomplishment. When I did my first de-stash last weekend it was like Christmas, finding fabric I forgot about. Love having it on the boards instead of folded and stacked. Makes me feel I can really see what is there.

katesnanna 02-17-2011 04:21 AM

OMG!! I feel so much better about mine. I have to keep mine reasonably tidy as it is also my bedroom.
DH says stop buying if you don't have room but he doesn't understand this addiction.

FranM 02-17-2011 04:49 AM

Isn't that the truth! There's something about the feel of new fabric that gets us every time.

stitchinwitch 02-17-2011 05:35 AM

Isn't it amazing that how the amount of fabric "shrinks" ones they are boarded??

Quilting Pastor 02-17-2011 07:00 AM

I saw a piece of fabric in your collection that I have! How fun!

Mariposa 02-17-2011 07:05 AM

Wow! What a stash! Congrats on success in small steps! It does come together! :)

dkabasketlady 02-17-2011 07:18 AM

You have your own LQS in your sewing room with that much fabric. I'm glad you're getting it organized so that you can utilize what you have. Congrats on doing such a good job.

greenini 02-17-2011 07:54 AM

I am *so* jealous. Both of your shelves and the energy to do it all...it looks fabulous.

How are you cutting bolt cardboard down? I brought home 3 centers thinking I could get 2 sides out of it, but these have a kind of waffle center and I wasn't sure if it made sense to try to cut them down somehow. Maybe there are other manufacturers who don't do this and it is just the cardboard sides?

Therese 02-17-2011 08:13 AM

Doesn't it feel good to be getting it organized? I feel more creative in a some what straightened up environment. I used to be fine with chaos but don't tolerate it so well any more. I've been helping a friend get her sewing room put together because she threatened with having her home insurance cancelled because she had stacks of fabric 3 ft high in every room of her house, including the hallway, I kid you not. She HAD to let an insurance adjuster in her house because of water damage from a refrigerator leak and he took a picture secretly with his phone. I love seeing her be excited about having a room to sew in and discover stuff she had forgotten about. It's been a lot of hard work and she's thrown away, donated and will have her 2nd large garage sale soon.

RedGarnet222 02-17-2011 08:42 AM

Oh wonderful space now to go and create! I love it!!!

I straighten mine up every friday afternoon. That is how I keep mine organized and clean.

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