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fabric whisperer 02-16-2011 09:47 AM

6 Attachment(s)
Ok, so I saw how alaskasunshine organized her beautiful stash, and I think she made a lot of us feel uber-guilty about our wrecks ~ so I cannot afford all the boards right now, so I am making daily trips to my local store at the end of the day... they recycle the bolts anyway, so I am cutting them down with an Xacto to size... great stiff cardboard! :)

After numerous "hide it!" episodes when family came over during the holidays, my room was totally out of control... I couldn't stand it! Everything would get quickly tossed in and the french doors shut. Well, its got to be organized for me to work! :shock:

I am way too embarrassed to show the whole room and how totally bad of a wreck it was... but here is a quick idea. It was BAD... but I am working on the reorganization, and I am getting soo excited! It's very liberating!

We had a LQS close about 3 years ago, and they had a set of 6 custom-built bolt shelves... well, I bought those along with yards and yards of fabrics... so I have two of them in my solarium, and they are working perfectly! After the initial cleaning, I may have room to bring 2 more of the shelving units up, I just cannot quite get to the far side of the room yet...

So here's my progress so far...

some of the original train wreck... even my Grace frame had to be hidden from guests coming over... I am so embarrassed it got that bad!

ahhh... how liberating to be organized!

oh, I forgot I had about 1/2 of these fabrics... enough excitement to start planning 20 more quilts YIKES

yum, its such a pretty rainbow forming :)

all my YARNS are now organized (up top in boxes) and protected from dustbunnies!

I keeps shifting as I get "another shelf done"... I have wrapped over 500 yards already, and probably have at least another 1500 yards to go... still have numerous stacks and sterilite under-the-bed bins that aren't even touched yet... oh, it will bo soooo great when done! Thanks alaskasunshine for encouraging us!!!

Rainybug 02-16-2011 09:48 AM

Ah, nice and as you go along you will find yourself reorganizing and fine tuning it!!

Cherylsea 02-16-2011 09:50 AM

It looks like you have made a great start and have a bunch of wonderful fabrics. Keep going even if only "some" each day.

fabric whisperer 02-16-2011 09:56 AM

OMG this is a LOT of work, but very soul-cleansing at the same time :) I forgot how many Debbie Mumm's and KP kids I had... I've unearthed quite a few fabrics that I forgot I had! (Or didn't realize I had "that much yardage"... But I am tickled that I got to the far cubbies, as I had my mass-yardage pieces stacked over there, from the LQS buyout... I have 7 quilt tops that are done being pieced, and now I have great choices for the backers :) yippee!! I am spending a couple hours each day on it... the progress really starts to come together quickly!

sylviak 02-16-2011 10:00 AM

Love your shelves! It's really beginning to look great...keep up the good work and "inspire" some more of us!

wolph33 02-16-2011 10:08 AM

that looks great.I have shelves for about half of my fabric.rest is folded in neat piles on misc furniture in my honey's man cave,lol

Grama Lehr 02-16-2011 10:08 AM

WOW!! Very nice!! :!: Looks good!

Lynnejean 02-16-2011 10:09 AM

congratulation on doing a really good job! Keep at it and keep posting pictures of the progress!

Jim's Gem 02-16-2011 10:53 AM

It's looking better. You're doing a great job!! Keep up the good work!
I got a "new" sewing area about 2 years ago and I really try to keep it cleaned up. I have found that I have a hard time working in there when it's a mess. Plus it is my Family room, so I can't let it get really really messy. I have all my fabrics organized. Sure makes it easier to find the fabrics I may want to use in my quilts. Of course, I have overflowed my cabinets and shelves and have a few (a dozen or so) large rubbermaid totes in the garage. Those are real neat so I can quickly see what's in them.

luv-e 02-16-2011 10:57 AM

You poured the guilt on me now lol lol lol
I try...DH home today...Maybe he can move some boxes for me[ not able to move them].... He is napping now...Should I go wake him?????????????????? This is why I'm on the computer..I can't get to my sewing rm :-(

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