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daisydebby 11-28-2016 07:14 AM

Love your blue blocks and inspiration. Your valance is nice. So, are you going to continue with the FW blocks? Good inspiration for the rest of us.

Jordan 11-28-2016 07:28 AM

I love your blocks made in blue. All are well done.

LindaMRB 11-28-2016 05:35 PM

You're off to a great start! !

oksewglad 11-28-2016 07:18 PM

Originally Posted by daisydebby (Post 7707968)
Love your blue blocks and inspiration. Your valance is nice. So, are you going to continue with the FW blocks? Good inspiration for the rest of us.

I have started the whole quilt in CW fabrics....it is sitting in UFO land with about half the blocks sewn and or cut...I must get back to it. In some ways I wish I would've used the blue colors...oh well. I have setting and backing fabric so it is on my items to finish.

The cow fabric I have inserted in blocks of the FWS Pony Club quilt using Kansas Troubles and Jo Morton type fabrics...it's also sitting in UFO land, but have setting and backing fabric for it as well...yikes.

I really like the blue and cream combo and are using similar fabrics in a mystery quilt of 20 blocks held by my quilt guild..so far have 4 sewn and 2 cut out. We get instructions for 2 blocks every month.

Jane Quilter 11-28-2016 07:32 PM

great progress. great colors

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