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DA Mayer 05-16-2008 04:31 AM

That is a great project. Looks like he really did a nice job. Hope he gets the 100. My kids had an english teacher that put up volcabulary words for the kids to find in news articles and they could earn extra credit. The only thing was, if someone was getting high scores in regular classroom papers etc. they were docked if they didn't do 'extra credit'. Why didn't he just say the words were required? I am sure only getting the 100 was for incentive, but I don't think it is ever fair to only give 1 project the 100 and the rest 50. I think they should be judged or graded on their own merit.

c2cd2008 05-16-2008 05:16 AM

This teacher, thank God is leaving our school to teach in the public school system. If she was teaching there next year I would move schools and that is not a joke. She told everyone to do this for extra credit but like someone else said, she should have said it was required because if they dont make an effort they get docked. She made so many of them mad that many of them are not going to the movies with us tonight and she got mad and told them they better find a way to see the movie because we will be having a test on the movie. That made me mad. Those kids read the entire chronicals of narnia book which is a very thick book, especially for 8th graders. They have tested on the chapter they have read and to me getting to go to the movies should be a prize not a test. There are many things this teacher has done while we have been at this school and I am so trying to hold my tounge with her. None of the boys are passing her class except one and all the girls are passing but two and those two girls are not popular girls. So I think this is a favortism thing. All the young men in our class are unhappy and trying so hard for her and she wont give them credit where credit is due. By the way she is a girls youth leader and the girls that are passing in her class all go to her church. This class is small, we only have 14 kids including mine in our grade. She gave them all an assignment on gathering pictures that matched symbolism in the book. My SS worked for hours on that and she told him when he showed her the work that he missed the point and needed to do it over. So I told him to ask her to explain it to him so he would understand and she sent him to the office. How are we supposed to complete an assignment if she does not make herself clear and explain when asked? So I knew she was looking for the guys to not do so well with this assignment of the costume and she said you couldnt buy a costume, so I helped him ALL week and made sure he got this one!

When I dropped him this morning, the headmaster opened the door for him with a huge smile and when I left he had a group of kids all around him telling him how cool he looked! So I know at least the kids think its a hit.

quiltwoman 05-16-2008 05:42 AM

I think you went above and beyond. He looks fantastic--what a great smile! The pup looks smashing too.

I'm sorry to hear about everyone having such a tough year--funny, when most of the class is failing, doesn't that say something about her teaching methods??

I give him an A+ and good for you for letting him use your machine. :lol:

jbsstrawberry 05-16-2008 05:55 AM

He has done a beautiful job!!! If he doesn't get the 100 points his teacher needs her head examined!!! I love that he included the dog for that little extra, such a great idea. You all should be very proud!! Excellent work, much more than most eigth graders would have done!!! Tell him we're all very very proud of him and to keep on sewing!!!

Perhaps you should drop a dime and give her next school a heads up on her actions at your school. Sounds like she has no business teaching children anywhere!!! I don't know how you're holding your tongue!!??!?!?! I would have been banned from the school property by now! Me being me, I would be sending her a bill with the movie tickets attatched to it!! She required it, by golly, she'd be paying the bill for it as well!!

amma 05-16-2008 06:31 AM

Brandon, I give you 100 points and another 100 for doing such a wonderful job and going the extra distance to include your pup! :D :D :D He is very handsome and looks like he sew enjoys his costume :D :D

There are some people who should not be allowed to teach, and she sounds like one of them! :evil: I hope it does not discourage Brandon too much, and that he realizes he won't have to deal with her again after this year! I would love to see more of his creative talents! :D :D :D

beachlady1 05-16-2008 07:02 AM

Teachers like that should be outlawed. We need more teachers like Karla!! Great costume - he should get the points. Keep us posted!!

Quilting Aggi 05-16-2008 07:46 AM

WOW your son has done an amazing job!!! Be better get those 100 points!!!

His teachers sounds like the real stick in the mud!!! There seems to be something like "personality" lacking in her life!!!! geez

Looks like the kids at school thought he was cool!!! I bet that made him feel good too!!! As for seeing the movie..yes I agree that should have been a prize not a requirement... I havent' read the books, but saw the movie and I have heard the book is quite thick.. that is an accomplishment on its own!! Most kids would groan to have to read such a large book!! I think your son deserves all those 100 marks!!! If not get his dog to bite the teacher's ankles!!! :)

Minda 05-16-2008 08:08 AM

Brandon did a great job. He is a handsome young man. Please tell him how fantastic he looks in his costume.

ButtercreamCakeArtist 05-16-2008 08:29 AM

Originally Posted by c2cd2008
As some of you now and some do not, we had to do extra credit for English class in order for B to pass. We have worked all week on this and as you will see in the pictures this is one very happy young man, and also the pictures show where he did some of the sewing himself!

He wanted so many pictures and rather than have links to each one here is a link of the album. You can just feel him happiness! He posed without me asking him to. This kid is the happiest kid of earth right now.


The costume is great. I can see that you both did a lot of work for this one! Great job! REALLY GREAT! He does look happy. Sorry the teacher is such a snob.

c2cd2008 05-16-2008 11:08 AM

WE GOT THE 100 points!!!!!!
More pictures to come soon

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