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Shadow Dancer 01-18-2009 11:07 AM

Thank you everyone. :)

Chele: I found the fabric in the shop here in town. It was a new arrival.

Marcia: This is my third granddaughter. (it seems some in my family don't know how to make baby boys! lol )

rubia 01-18-2009 11:19 AM

That's beautiful! I am about to start on a baby quilt for a friend and have been trying to decide on a pattern. Seriously, I was JUST bookmarking the Warm Wishes pattern when I saw your post! LOL

Kyiav10 01-18-2009 12:05 PM

Very very nice Shadow Dancer!!!! She will love it. And congrats on the new addition again.


Grandma Cindy 01-18-2009 12:09 PM

What a sweet quilt Shadow, don't you just love the smell of a new baby?

Izy 01-18-2009 12:13 PM

Awwhhh that is so sweet Shadow, can you post a picture of your new granddaughter with her quilt please :D

Machel 01-18-2009 12:22 PM

beautiful quilt Shadow, I love the fabric also. Congrats on the new addition to the family.

quiltnana 01-18-2009 12:23 PM

Congradulations Shadow on your new granddaughter. Granddaughters are so much fun. I love the quilt its so cute with the umbrellas.

c2cd2008 01-18-2009 12:26 PM

Very cute, I love how the colors just flow together and are so crisp. Great Job!

sharon b 01-18-2009 12:35 PM

Congrats on the new Granddaughter ! And the quilt is as wonderful as I am sure she is ! :lol: Enjoy

Jaynie 01-18-2009 12:50 PM

Congrats on two counts....a beautiful quilt and awwww a new baby granddaughter!!!! Lucky you!!

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