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paulswalia 04-25-2013 04:22 PM

oh dear me, oh my......I work at a quilt shop. I have NOT bought any fabric in months! then today a guy comes in and says he was cleaning out a house left in an estate and found lots of sewing stuff and did I know who could use it? FREE! I gave away 3 packages of Warm and Natural queen sized batting, a package of Dream Cotton batting and have packaged up 3 boxes to bring to guild for the free table. I am now washing the third load of stuff I'm going to keep. There's lots of flannel, a 4 yard piece of denim and lots, lots of quality quilting cotton. I've got about 40 yards hanging to dry so far plus another box full I have to sort thru. Oh dear (secretly saying goodie, goodie, goodie....)

DustysMomma 04-25-2013 05:28 PM

I got this from a poster on Sindy Rodenmeyer's yahoo group and thought it was fitting for all my quilting friends. I know everyone in this group needs it! :D


Being of sound mind and body (a statement that does not bear close scrutiny) I,
____________, do hereby record my last fabric will and testament. Knowing that
____________, (husband, sister, daughter), has no appreciation, or for that
matter knowledge of my extensive fabric collection, which, by the way is
deposited in various places throughout my house for safe keeping. Knowing also
that ____________ has also notified the goodwill store should I precede him to
that great quilt shop in the sky, to pick up and dispose of the aforementioned
collection. Therefore I do WILL this collection and all other collections
related to it, to my dear fellow fabric preservationists of the ____________
(guild, sewing group, charity, etc,). It is my wish that they, upon hearing of
my death and obtaining clear proof that I did not manage (although goodness
knows I tried) to take it with me, will come to my home, before the goodwill
store searches out my collection. That they should rescue said collection and
stack it in my quilting studio, along with my sewing machines, frames, old
buttons, lace, patterns, quilts, dolls and works in progress. And after they has
done that, they should purchase refreshments for all my friends, not yet
departed, which friends are also their friends, and every last one shall be in
that room and they shall hold a wake and say lots of lovely and kind things
about me until they run out and then they shall divide amongst themselves my
wonderful collection. Be forewarned! I shall be hovering over that very spot
until this is done. The ____________ shall then leave this spot and close the
door, leaving the car, house, stocks, bonds and other worldly nonsense to those
who don't understand or know any better.
This is my wish on the matter.


ging10ging 04-25-2013 05:37 PM

I am in but bought a little bit since it was on sale. I love your stash Ladydeluxe which I could play there but it's so neat I hate messing things up again when all nice and neat looking for something. Sue

bezzie58 04-25-2013 06:36 PM

Hello everyone. I am in need of help. I have so much fabric but i cant stop buying it when i see nice fabric i just have to have it. My dh takes me to the store to buy fabric when i get really nervious or upset. i was at Wal-Mart last night and the lady that works in the fabric was putting out a large bunch of 1.00 and 2.00 and wanted me to take a look before she put it out for anyone because I was her biggest customer. She opened 20 boxes with each box having 10 bolts. OMG i felt so bad she waited for me to get there i had to buy some, I bought 3 1 yard pieces and one 3 yard piece. PLEASE HELP ME

Foxflower 04-26-2013 01:24 PM

Deep breath, okay, jumping in........I need to do this.

Emma S 04-26-2013 03:52 PM

Paulswaila and Bezzie: Both of your, "How I couldn't resist" stories had me salivating. Last thing I need is more fabric but that much fabric would be like Christmas morning.

irishrose 04-26-2013 04:43 PM

bezzie, There has to be a healthier way to get out of the house - have you tried a short walk in the sunshine? What sunshine this year? Too much fabric becomes a contributor to being nervous or upset as does too much of anything.

So far so good this month and it's almost over. My scrappy Quilt of Valor is finished - just needs the pillowcase and label. Woohoo! All from stash -even the batting.

Emma S 04-27-2013 06:45 AM

I've almost made it through April without a purchase. Doing plenty of quilting on UFOs. YTD cost holding steady at $68. Garage sales are starting so there may be a problem, but who can resist a deal?

karenpatrick 04-27-2013 02:33 PM

I think if you think you have too much fabric, you probably do.

stablemom 04-27-2013 05:27 PM

Wow ladydeluxe! lovely stash..come make mine look as pretty!

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