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DustysMomma 10-03-2013 03:39 AM

Deciding on a pattern is the hardest part for me. There's just so much to choose from! It's rare that I find a pattern that just screams that I must use it right now. I even picked out a pattern for the quilt for our bed, then months later when I looked at it, I went nah, that's not what I want anymore. I do that with swaps too though. I find a pattern that I want to make & then it doesn't work with the fabrics I bought for one reason or another. Then I end up buying fabric that will work and there goes more in the stash!

MadQuilter 10-06-2013 05:33 PM

I went to two quilting events and won FQs both times, so my stash groweth. No $$ exchanged. I did buy a finished pillow case that is made in SF49er fabric. I wanted to make a pillow case for the 49er quilt I have going but I ran out of fabric.

Foxflower 10-06-2013 07:00 PM

You did good madquilter. Freebies and completed projects don't count.

nancia 10-07-2013 10:17 AM

Went to NYC on Saturday and met dotcomdtcm at the metro mod quilt guild meeting. Very fun, loosey goosey kind of gathering. We hand stitched a block from four of us. D and i left a little early and went to lunch and the American girl store. Ooooo, i only bought two little things for my someday dgd. I was sooooooo good! Then we went to city quilter. I bought some ny fabrics in a fq bundle and some hand dyed oops f8's. Don't know why they were rejects, they look great to me! Since these are what i consider opportunistic buys--as in you are in a place where you are unlikely to ever be again ( or rarely), and these are fabrics that are only available in this one place, as in the NYC fabrics. Those fabrics are designed and printed solely for the city quilter. As such, i feel i can be forgiven. My next trip in will be December for the next guild meeting. The day was lots of fun! Dh drove and wandered in ny while dtcm and i played. He is so sweet! He went to the natural history museum and a funeral. He wanted to see the inside of the church, and a lady at the door grabbed him and dragged him in and seated him in the back since the service was already underway. He did not know the deceased but the service was interesting and so was the sanctuary. Dh didn't stay for the burial or reception. He was born and raised in Brooklyn so going back to his roots is fun for him. He was just being a nice guy and driving so i didn't.t have to mess with trains. I am very grateful i have such a nice dh, and thanks to dotty for inviting me! ( i purposely have not mentioned the absolutely. Divine coffee toffee cupcake i had, and dotty had a cro-nut, also won't mention. And i brought home a sampler of six teensy cupcakes and a black and white cookie for dh.) it was the topper of a busy, busy week! Then Sunday we went to the symphony in Philly. I feel so cultured, lol.

Emma S 10-07-2013 11:45 AM

Nancia: The way you travel no wonder your heart is in three places, probably more by now. Your trip sounds like heaven, yes I admit it, I'm turning a shade of envy green.

irishrose 10-07-2013 01:47 PM

What a perfect day and you didn't buy more fabric than you could carry so I say you did good. I had to laugh at your husband crashing a funeral. I'm thinking that doesn't happen too often. This time of year I'd want some toffee apples to top that cupcake.

nancia 10-07-2013 09:03 PM

Emma--you are so lucky green looks good on you! Lol! My sister has been around the world so many times she has lost count! She has lived in Cairo, Singapore and all over the u.s. She and her kids will go anywhere on a moment's notice! I look like a stay-at-home wallflower. My nephew is on his way to Tanzania for three months. He went to Turkey one week end and Iceland another. My son is in England and i hope he is spending time going to Ireland, Scotland and Wales, why not? He's right there! I'd be zipping over to Paris for the weekend all the time! Such a fun city. Right now I'm glad i get to go back to dallas for two weeks. yay! Sandy-- this time i AM going to call you!

nancia 10-07-2013 09:12 PM

Judy-- that cupcake weighed about a quarter of a pound , i think. The inside of the cupcake had a filling of toffee, and then the frosting on top, drizzled with toffee sauce and toffee pieces. I almost couldn't finish it, and girl, I'm a pro! But i pushed my limits and gobbled the las little bit, and i waddled back to the quilter to wait for dh to roll me home. We walked past it on our way to the car an it was all i could do to keep from dashing in and grabbing some more for the next few hours, re, um, i meant to say days, yup, days ( oh, who am i kidding? They wouldn't make it the hour and a half ride home, lol!)

Coloradowest 10-08-2013 07:55 AM

I broke down and bought some materials. Walmart is only place I get to anymore. If they have something I want it is buy then or never have any of it. I go to two different Walmarts and they have different materials. Two different cities. It is special materials. They got in Xmas last time I was in one and nothing of that I liked. Last yard I bought there was $9 and that sure will curb my buying for sure . Iam sure I have a life time of materials now. I go on the senior bus for shopping now.

A year ago this month I went to Dr and one I have gone to for over 22 years now. Well proper or not I gave him a scrap 16 patch quilt I had made. Just a tied one. Was in this Aug and he is still talking about that quilt. My son now says that quilt must of made one heck of an impression on him.

I have made one top this year and another just needs the slashing in. Put a white border around each block to make them bigger. I have not did much in way of quilt making this year.

Emma S 10-08-2013 08:16 AM

Colorado: Welcome, I see your new to the Board. If anything can get you fired up to quilt it is this board. Are you a long time quilter?

What a nice thing to gift your Doc. Clearly it made his day.

Walmart's fabric used to be a lot more fun to look through. The one closest used to have a manager that would buy flat folds in bunches and mark them $1 or $2 per yard. It was always an adventure to look through the stacks. Now it is the same boring thing all the time. If they had decided to purposely make the fabric department a looser they couldn't do a better job.

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