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wildyard 09-29-2013 08:22 AM

Wonnie, I'm not sure I understand your question's application. If you mean for it to count as a finished UFO, you can finish it any way you want. We are a very relaxed and supportive group, and our only purpose is to cheer and encourage one another in getting those UFO's out and finished.
Some have even "finished" a project by giving it away as they no longer cared for it. It still counts, because it is no longer in their pile of UFOs.
So you see, we are very open and accepting in our interpretations of all things related to this thread. Basically, it's you make your own rules and we support and encourage you. Some of us set goals, but it's not required, and if you set them, and don't meet them, we will give you hugs and urge you to try again next month.
Welcome to our thread, huggggggggs and smiles
PS: If your question was in reference to something else, please let us know more so we can give you a more proper answer.

Wonnie 09-29-2013 04:23 PM

Thanks for your quick response,wildcard. Have a few very pressing projects to get out but when they are done will join your group.

mom-6 09-30-2013 06:02 AM

Some of us just wander in and out so you are welcome to as well. Lol! I did really well at the beginning of the year, but got bogged down in other things and have been doing everything in the world but UFOs lately. I do still check in on everyone's progress though.
Love seeing all the beautiful finishes!!!!

carriem 09-30-2013 06:17 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Another table runner finished this morning...I gave it away already too...to a lady (in her mid-80s) a couple miles away who offered us some apples and peaches. She was so surprised and was looking forward to using it right away. :)

DD chose the backing and binding.

***guess I should have gotten a close up of the flower fabric.

Emma S 09-30-2013 06:34 AM

Carrie: So nice, bet it made her day.

michelleoc 09-30-2013 07:40 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Everyone has beautiful finishes this month (as always!). You've been very busy. I only have a couple, because I got distracted making receiving blankets. The first one is just a little table topper. A friend gave me the fabric piece and I wanted to try prairie points.[ATTACH=CONFIG]438913[/ATTACH] The second finish is a quilt that I started in 2008 called Somewhere In Time. It was the 2008 BOM on BlockCentral.com. I was making it to go on our bed, but it took me so long to finish it we now have a bigger bed![ATTACH=CONFIG]438914[/ATTACH] So maybe I'll just put it in the family room to cuddle with when we watch TV - my husband and I always fight over the one we are currently using, it's too small for the both of us!

YukonViv 09-30-2013 07:59 AM

Hi there! I've wandered in an out over the year when I've done some work on a UFO...I've been trying over the past year to do some substantial work on a UFO every time I start something new. Kind of like a check and balance.

As the new fall session of classes will be starting shortly at our quilt shop (and I've signed up for 3!!) I pulled a UFO out this weekend to work on it. I pulled out my Border Creek Mystery Quilt from two years ago. As of last night I only needed to sew two seams (my last two border pieces) and the quilt top will be complete. Whew.

Last week I pulled out some UFO blocks (string quilt blocks) and put them together for a table runner which immediately went on our coffee table once the binding was done.

Slowly by surely I'm getting some UFOs finished, or repurposed. My first class is in 3 weeks...gives me time to work on one more UFO then I'll feel better about starting the 3 new class projects.

wildyard 09-30-2013 08:07 AM

michelleoc.... that r,w and b floral is fabulous and your table topper with prairie points is so pretty and cheerful, I love it!!! Also love your quilt. I'm not sure of the color on my screen so am wondering what the second bright color with the red is. It looks almost coral on mine, but whatever it is, I really love it with the red. Great jobs!!!
Viv.... hope you will post some photos for us to oohhhhhh and ahhhhh over. We really love seeing what everyone has done!! Happy to have you with us. Hugs and smiles everyone!!!

QuilterMomma 09-30-2013 08:31 AM

Nice kitty quilt kaelyn! Nice detail on quilting.

Asimplelife, love that baby quilt! Feeling good you must be.

Carriem, love that table runner. You are doing such great work!

Just on these last two pages, such inspiration for finishing out quilts. Love the UFO Quilt Show we have created here.

QuilterMomma 09-30-2013 08:32 AM

Take me back Somewhere In Time! Love it for sure. And another table runner Carriem. You are on a roll!

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