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Krisb 01-09-2014 10:43 AM

I'm in, fer sure. We are selling the condo in Florida so consolidation is in order, anyway. Last year I caved and bought fabric for the Jinny Beyer Moonglow pattern (finished) and my northern lights quilt (not even started). Other than that, just backing and borders, although pieced backings are looking evermore attractive.

MadQuilter 01-09-2014 01:00 PM

I'm back too. So far so good. I did sign up for a round robin so we'll see what the stash will support. I've been focusing on finishing some UFOs and fortunately for me, most of them are finished tops already. I've been making myself use stash for backing (creatively-pieced). One thing I see me buying is some more solids. As it gets used up, I generally replenish, particularly red, white, and black.

nancia 01-09-2014 01:32 PM

Let's see, who said confession is good for the soul? Connecting threads reprinted their red and blue rhapsody lines and i was too slow the first time to get any, so i jumped on the charms and cakes. I will make a r,w,b 5 and dime quilt top as soon as i find the cutting mat, lol. Thinks got a little screwy over the holidays. Ds was here when the box arrived. " so, mom, how's that moratorium working for you?" Lol, better than he thinks! I could have bought sooooo much more! So one more year of sitting on the wagon wheel! And it's only the 9th. Man, I'm in trouble already!!

missgigglewings 01-09-2014 01:38 PM

Well...I resisted the first temptation of the year! I am in a Round Rodin and was going to go shopping yesterday. I decided to shop my stash first and lo and behold....I found just what I needed! Backing too...so I didn't get to go shopping but YAY ME!

SandyinZ4 01-09-2014 03:53 PM

Hi all, This group really helped keep me focused last year and I only fell off the wagon a few times. I vowed to do better this year, use what I have and work on UFO's. I will shop my stash first before I even think of buying anything else. That being said, I received my Connecting Threads catalog and told DH that it just wasn't fair for them to have that super 'reds' sale on in January, just when I had made a resolution to not buy any more fabric. I held out and didn't buy that collection last Jan. '13 and regretted it all year. I do not have a lot of red in my stash and need reds to finish the round robin I am in plus my KC Star Rubies, Diamonds etc. quilt that I want to begin this summer. So..my sweet DH said to go ahead and get it and then try to stick to my resolution. So naturally, I did. Now that I have that out of my system, I am going to try and be good for months to come. Help keep me on the wagon! Please!!!

YukonViv 01-09-2014 04:28 PM

I am officially on board this year. I think I tried last near, may have come in part way through the year, didn't do well at all and slunk out.

I would like to add that I didn't purchase any fabric in December 2013 as well so I am right in the swing of things.

I'm not taking the moratorium lightly, I came to a conclusion that I really have too many UFOs and WIPs. Too many. Then I have 3 rubbermaid tubs filled with a small amount of yardage and a whole heck of a lot of fat quarters. These are just living in the tubs, no purpose, just hanging out.

So I have a goal, I need to finish some UFOs and some WIPS. Then I need to use up some of my stash (so I will also be in the let's use our stash thread and the ufo challenge thread and whatever thread will keep me motivated).

I received two beautiful Kaffe Fasset quilt kits for Christmas from friends...I can't even bear to look at them until I finish something!!!

So what have I done so far in December and this much of January? Nothing LOL.

I was at our local quilt shop twice this week already and am very proud to report that I did not buy any fabric. I did however sign up for a retreat and one class. Whew...at least between the two I should get some sewing done, and fortunately the class does not require any purchasing as I have everything I need in my stash.

So far so good.

irishrose 01-09-2014 08:03 PM

Three tubs and some FQs?? I can't even comment as I don't want to try to put mine in measurement mode.

Nancia, don't mention Rhapsody in Reds. I pouted last year when I missed out even though I was in the moratorium. Now it's back - so far, so good, but if I keep it in the front of my mind, I might weaken. I threw away the catalog, but my computer knows the way to CT. My son says, "If it's red, it's yours." The boy know his mother. My new sectional is red velvet. Did you see the pillows in the pattern section of the catalog in the large print with embroidery added? You are an enabler, for sure, but you can't enable anyone who doesn't want to be.

nancia 01-09-2014 08:54 PM

I can't make You go anywhere you don't want to go! But I can make you feel like a welcome visitor. 8-)
i decided on the pre-cuts as it involved less foldable fabric, and quick to use. Less chance for me to drape myself in yards of the stuff without having to sew it together!

PaperPrincess 01-10-2014 06:03 AM

Originally Posted by irishrose (Post 6503830)
Three tubs and some FQs?? I can't even comment as I don't want to try to put mine in measurement mode.

Nancia, don't mention Rhapsody in Reds. I pouted last year when I missed out even though I was in the moratorium. Now it's back - so far, so good, but if I keep it in the front of my mind, I might weaken. I threw away the catalog, but my computer knows the way to CT. My son says, "If it's red, it's yours." The boy know his mother. My new sectional is red velvet. Did you see the pillows in the pattern section of the catalog in the large print with embroidery added? You are an enabler, for sure, but you can't enable anyone who doesn't want to be.

That Rhapsody in Red collection is everyone's downfall! I think last year the collection sold out in less than a month. That was my first tumble from the wagon last year! I don't want to encourage you, but I was so glad I did. THIS year I can resist because I still have some in my stash.

luvTooQuilt 01-10-2014 06:22 AM

im floor to ceiling covered in bookcases filled with fabric, I'm good for a looooooooooooooong while.. 2012-2013 I cant recall buying anything except needles.. maybe a remnant or two at 50% off of 50%.... So for a few bucks i didnt count it as spending , especially when it was less than what my average lunch cost ..lol..

Our lovely quilting group lost a beloved quilter a few years back and her sons blessed us with boxes of fabric from her stash.. I was a lucky recipient of Yardage pieces- some as much as 10 yard pieces and nothing less than 2 yd cuts, so i have backing for many a quilts... IM a scrap quilter so i use almost everything and anything. nothing is wasted, even scraps less than 1.5 are cut unto 'fluff'' for stuffing pin cushions and what nots... So im in with you all.. theres really nothing i need that i cant make do from whats in my sewing room... I do have rolls of batting (poly blend and W&N) in the spare room so when we had the icky weather i had everything i needed...

Now if you were to ask me to do this 5 years ago, i would of thought you all are nuts, i have been 'hoarding' fabric since early 2009... i bought what i wanted when i wanted.. I bought bolts instead of yards after a few years of wondering what the heck i was going to do with just a FQ... So this year, like the last year IM NOT BUYING FABRIC !!! no backing, no border, no nothing (but pellon & Insulbrite as im out of that stuff !!)

So here is my wish and good luck to you all..
May you find the perfect fabric in your stash.. May your seams match up every time...And may your cuts be accurate !!!

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