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Fraew 01-12-2016 04:05 PM

@Anoka: 1.5" squares are huge compared to what some gals work with. I just hold on to them and dare them to move out of place. :D SheriR did one with 1" squares! :shock:

Sync 01-12-2016 04:10 PM

Fraew, so colorful, and the spiral quilting just shows the block off.

Janice McC 01-12-2016 06:01 PM

Woo Woo!!! Beautiful quilts, Krista. The colors of both area wonderful. It doesn't matter a bit that they "only" needed binding. You finished them and that's 2 more for this UFO train! Thank you for sharing your pix.

Originally Posted by kristakz (Post 7430863)
Yipee, I finished 2 quilts this weekend. Ok, if I must be honest, they only needed binding and I did that by machine. But, they're done!! The first is a disappearing hour glass from a retreat last April, and the second is a pattern called "Chain Reaction". Oh my goodness, the Y-seams in that one! Fun to do, but a busy pattern and not totally my style. I might try it again in a fabric palette that calms it down some.

To tie into another thread on here - these have been languishing in my sewing room for about 4-5 months waiting for binding. I consider them (and anything else) a UFO when I interrupt work on them (at whatever stage) to go on to something more fun and interesting, or with a closer deadline. So, in some cases, I might consider something a UFO after only a couple of months. But I have plenty that surpass the 1-year mark, too :)


Janice McC 01-12-2016 06:03 PM

Kele, jump on this train! We're speeding up but it's not too fast for a swift footed quilter!

Originally Posted by kele (Post 7431083)
I need a seat on this train! Looking through this thread has been very inspirational. I would love to see at least some of my UFOs finished. Have a UFO that I started in 2014, told myself it would be done by Christmas 2015. Didn't happen, but only needs some straight line quilting and then binding. So I think I will try to get this done! Thanks for the motivation!

Janice McC 01-12-2016 06:06 PM

Another Toot Toot from me! I LOVE this! Your colors, the quilting, the size. What's not to love. Makes me want to try a small one - after some other completions (she says sheepishly...)

Congrats Fraew!

Originally Posted by Fraew (Post 7431168)
Toot toot! Mini Rainbow Swoon (approx. 24" square) is done. It was started last year with the swoon group and with my quilting buddy who challenged me to actually learn to "quilt". Last week, I put the walking foot on and my big girl panties and did it all by myself!! Gotta love YouTube. Binding finished today. :)

Janice McC 01-12-2016 06:08 PM

Let us know when the binding is done and we'll give you the Toot Toot you will deserve! :)

Originally Posted by equigle5 (Post 7431719)
[ATTACH=CONFIG]540015[/ATTACH]Finished this lap/baby quilt. All but binding anyway. I don't have a good color for binding so I'm bringing it to quilt guild next week and off my list. I might be able to find a good color Thursday when I go to machine classes, but I'm also in the fabric moratorium group. I can buy fabric to finish a quilt. Just depends on what I find. I finished a top that I started over two years ago. It is my get back into quilting project after not sewing for quite a while. Hopefully today I will get it sandwiched and start some straight line quilting! So excited to be getting these quilts to the finish line.

Janice McC 01-12-2016 06:13 PM

Just a quick FYI, I've got family coming in for a few days so I'll be a bit out of pocket until Sunday. I'll check in but I may not be able to post much. I'll definitely update the tally by the end of the weekend.

In the meantime, keep on working on your UFOs and posting pix of completed ones. If I don't get to blow the horn for finishes, don't hesitate to toot your own horn! And certainly any member can give it a good loud toot or woo, too. :)

allspots 01-12-2016 06:30 PM

Thanks Sync!

oksewglad 01-12-2016 10:20 PM

Watched my college BB team get beat in OT, but got HQing done on a table topper/wall hanging... now to bind it...found the Jo Morton inspiration in a 2002 Miniature Quilts magazine so it can't be any older than 14 years old:D...photo when finished...

tkhooper 01-13-2016 04:07 AM

All pieces are now ironed on the ufo next is squaring them I plan on doing that later today and tomorrow.

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