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sweetwaterquilter 01-14-2016 09:26 AM

Seeing all of your finished projects are very encouraging for me. Most of what I have are tops waiting to be quilted or blocks waiting to be tops I am hand quilter so I have a pretty big challenge on my plate. I am half way done with DGD's tee shirt quilt and am aiming to have it done by the end of the month. I have three more sandwiched and ready to go, so I am making progress. I will probably finish a few smaller projects next. Congrats to all who have made some finishes.

lynnie 01-14-2016 09:35 AM

love that rainbow swoon

sweetwaterquilter 01-14-2016 09:49 AM

Originally Posted by oksewglad (Post 7429173)
You don't want to know how old some of my UFO's are...Such is life

Some of mine are very old, don't even know how old. I do have one that is an exchange signature block that has the date on it, 2005, but I know I have some older than that.

terriamn 01-14-2016 11:02 AM

Anoka quilter would live to get together sometime but my handiquilter is very new to me. Tips will have to come from you


kristakz 01-14-2016 12:01 PM

Originally Posted by sunrise450 (Post 7433502)
I have several small items I am obligated to make. I know these are not ufo's but can I count them as a finished project? Believe me, I am a colossal non finisher.

Last year I referred to this as "UFO prevention", and posted a few of my new-ish projects here. I have a habit of jumping on board the various New Year's mystery trains, and if I don't have incentive to get those DONE, they'll just end up as UFOs at the end of the year so I use this thread to keep progress moving along on them too :)

Sync 01-14-2016 02:00 PM

sweetwaterquilter, you are not alone, I'm also a hand quilter. Right now, I have my hubby's quilt in my Grace EZ3 floor frame. I wanted to have it finished by the end of Dec. but life got in the way.

pyffer3 01-14-2016 02:11 PM

Ok.....so here is my problem! I have decided to do the fabric moratorium and have been cutting and sewing like mad to use my stash. Now I have one top that I finished just before the moratorium and one baby quilt top I finished a week or so ago and another baby quilt top I am almost finished with and two others I have started cutting out.....golly, gee whiz, with trying to decrease my stash when am I gonna have time to actually quilt them! (not to mention the others I have in various stages of completion in different areas of the house). Seriously, though, I guess I need to think about finishing one project before starting another one!

QltrSue 01-14-2016 03:11 PM

Originally Posted by sweetwaterquilter (Post 7433707)
Some of mine are very old, don't even know how old. I do have one that is an exchange signature block that has the date on it, 2005, but I know I have some older than that.

. I know what you mean as many of mine are old, too. Over the summer, I went to the "deep" storage quilting area and in six hours I went through all my old stuff, deciding whether to finish, (a few), donate (many), or just throw out (some). I knew I wouldn't finish some and got them and the guilt out of here!! I kept only the ones I want to finish and am working everyday to get some done. I felt so guilty with all of the started projects, but my sweet hubby reminded me that all hobbyists have half- or unfinished projects. So I looked on those oldies but baddies, as lessons in sewing and quilting and in time management! Lol.

tkhooper 01-14-2016 04:54 PM

anoka quilter enjoy your open sew.

I'm still slowly making progress on the star flower. Squaring and sewing the blocks.

SandyinZ4 01-14-2016 08:00 PM

Originally Posted by Anoka Quilter (Post 7433638)
... Yes, I am someone who hands sews their binding. Just don't care for the look of machine sewn binding.

AQ...I, too prefer to hand sew my second side of binding on. I do the first side with machine but the finished back side is hand sewn. I think it is very relaxing and if I have been really good and sewn my label into my binding, when I am finished with my stitches, my quilt is done.

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