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-   -   2016 UFO Challenge of the Month (https://www.quiltingboard.com/quiltingboard-challenges-contests-f21/2016-ufo-challenge-month-t273926.html)

terriamn 01-16-2016 03:56 PM

Vickim great job finishing all 4 quilts. Wish I had that much energy

VickiM 01-16-2016 06:15 PM

VickiM: Just love the puzzle quilt. Is that a pattern or did you design? Very fun to search the fabrics . And the flannels are just so cozy. Four fine finishes!

The pattern was free, can't remember where I got it. Maybe google "free puzzle pattern quilt". It's NOT a great one for using for a L/E quilt...I had to lay it all out first & work on it from there. But, as long as you pay attention to where things go, it's really easy. Great way to use up 2 1/2" squares...needs 7-9 for each puzzle piece.

Macybaby 01-16-2016 07:33 PM

VickiM - I love the puzzle quilt - that is one on my bucket list.

I finally got the border on my mystery quilt, and while I had black thread on the machine decided to grab one of my UFO's and get some work done. This one was already sewing into rows, so I got all the rows put together. I decided on a border and found the fabric I need in my stash too!


This quilt is for my bedroom. My bed is the only spot large enough to lay out a quilt for pictures, so I've taken lots of pictures of quilts on the bed that didn't belong there - this one does.

tkhooper 01-17-2016 03:53 AM

wow, great looking quilt and even the siamese is color coordinated.

Got row two done and started on row three but did one of the pieces backwards and had to frog. But it's right way around now so I'm good to go next time.

beckyw 01-17-2016 04:49 AM

Macybaby you did a nice job on the quilt.

elly66 01-17-2016 05:13 AM

Lovely finishes. Will have to look into the puzzle pattern.

sewbizgirl 01-17-2016 05:47 AM

Great kaliedoscope quilt, Cathy! Kitty seems to be enjoying it too.

This week I hope to finish several small tops that are for my charity group to donate to the hospital. They are really in need of our quilts right now, so I want to make this a priority. Will show as I go...

Janice McC 01-17-2016 07:35 AM

Macybaby, this is lovely but I'm not sure if it is finished. I'm reading it as it still needs to be quilted and the binding. I haven't added it to the tally yet so please let me know if it is complete and we'll celebrate with you!

Originally Posted by Macybaby (Post 7435913)
VickiM - I love the puzzle quilt - that is one on my bucket list.

I finally got the border on my mystery quilt, and while I had black thread on the machine decided to grab one of my UFO's and get some work done. This one was already sewing into rows, so I got all the rows put together. I decided on a border and found the fabric I need in my stash too!


This quilt is for my bedroom. My bed is the only spot large enough to lay out a quilt for pictures, so I've taken lots of pictures of quilts on the bed that didn't belong there - this one does.

Janice McC 01-17-2016 09:30 AM

My houseguests have departed and my time is, more or less, mine. I've done a tally through this post and we've had a total of 30 - yes, THIRTY finishes this month so far. Wow!!!

A big Woo Woo and Toot Toot to the following people who had UFO finishes since my last tally in post #119: Retiredteacher09, Melanie Rudy, QltrSue, Janice McC, tkhooper, allspots, kristakz, Fraew, beckyw, Terriamn, silliness and VickiM. You are really keeping this train rolling along! It doesn't matter the size of your UFO, just that you pulled out something that had been set aside and you finished it! I did include BeckyW's ironing board cover in the tally; since it's quilting related, I think it deserves to be there. Also, if anyone discovers I've made an error and omitted anyone, PLEASE let me know by PM as soon as possible. (Posts sometimes pile up quickly and I might not notice it right away.) I've tried to be organized but as we are already approaching 300 posts, it's entirely possible I've made a mistake or two. I don't mind if you help keep me on track.

Thank you to everyone who is participating in the UFO Challenge. I don't mean just those who are posting finishes, but to each person (all 82 of you) who has posted encouragement, kind words, pictures, questions, anything. Keeping the chatter going keeps interest up and keeps us chugging along. :)

sewbizgirl 01-17-2016 09:54 AM

This is a great thread! I haven't finished anything yet, but y'all make me want to... and that's the whole point, right? ;P

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