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-   -   2016 UFO Challenge of the Month (https://www.quiltingboard.com/quiltingboard-challenges-contests-f21/2016-ufo-challenge-month-t273926.html)

tkhooper 01-21-2016 04:05 AM

Anoka love the table runner. i too and looking for things to complete my spring tablescape. And as previously mentioned the inner border is great. I too may steal it in the future. Congrats on the fmqing i have as yet not done any fmqing that large.

I'm still plugging along. I have rows 1 & 2 of six blocks sewn together and have pinned 3 & 4 together ready for sewing. I'll put each half together last because that is where all the points come together. Bulky!

QltrSue 01-21-2016 04:44 AM

Anoka: Your table runner is just darling and will be so fun to use this spring. Great combo of fabrics and the border pattern is very interesting.

SewBizGirl: Great finishes! Love the Bear/Landscape pattern. Fun to check out what is going on in the prints!

Lovin' this thread!

Macybaby 01-21-2016 05:07 AM

Sorry about posting that picture, mine is not complete yet, I was just so proud of myself that I finally got back to working on it I wanted to share a progress picture, I went back to the OP and read that we're only suppose to show pictures of finishes, so I'll wait until that on future ones.

I did get the border on the OBW quilt, I wanted to keep the zigzag look of the edge, but the corners gave me grief. I'm not sure how many times I re-did them, but I'm OK with what I've got now so it's ready to put on the frame and quilt. I think I'll let DH do an all over pattern for the main body, and then I'll do some freehand feathers on the border.
Not sure if I'll get to it this weekend. I have a major project to get done at work, and yesterday my partner for the project broke her ankle so she's not going to be in. It's not difficult, just time consuming.

sewbizgirl 01-21-2016 05:48 AM

Originally Posted by Janice McC (Post 7440221)
Lovely finishes, sewbizgirl. Are these UFOs or are they new? Let me know so I can add them to the tally if they are UFOs. Thanks!

They came from my pile of unfinished tops... tho the I spy was put together on New Year's Day, so it's fairly newish...

Janice McC 01-21-2016 07:33 AM

Macy, no problem at all! I just wanted to make sure that I included it in the tally if it was done. As soon as it is, repost and shout from the housetops (or rather from this speeding train) that you've had a UFO completion!

To everyone participating, please do this engineer a favor, when you have completed a UFO, please do call it a UFO in your post. We all love the in-progress pix and pix of other current "finishes", but only the UFOs get added to the total. Again, what is, and is not a UFO, you will determine, but unless it's clear from the post, I might make a mistake and omit something or add in one that isn't a UFO. Thank you all!!! :thumbup:

Originally Posted by Macybaby (Post 7440332)
Sorry about posting that picture, mine is not complete yet, I was just so proud of myself that I finally got back to working on it I wanted to share a progress picture, I went back to the OP and read that we're only suppose to show pictures of finishes, so I'll wait until that on future ones.

I did get the border on the OBW quilt, I wanted to keep the zigzag look of the edge, but the corners gave me grief. I'm not sure how many times I re-did them, but I'm OK with what I've got now so it's ready to put on the frame and quilt. I think I'll let DH do an all over pattern for the main body, and then I'll do some freehand feathers on the border.
Not sure if I'll get to it this weekend. I have a major project to get done at work, and yesterday my partner for the project broke her ankle so she's not going to be in. It's not difficult, just time consuming.

sunrise450 01-21-2016 07:34 AM

AQ, love that table runner and your wall quilt. I have a piece of fabric that I can't cut into pieces. That Bunny Runner would be perfect. I looked for the pattern and found it but I can't do the $9.50 plus postage right now. That's not saying that I couldn't make my own pattern! Hmmmmm
I finished the first two rows of my ufo, just 5 more to go!
I found more ufos, it seems like they are popping up saying "do me! do me!"

Janice McC 01-21-2016 07:39 AM

Please clarify for me then Sewbizgirl, one is a UFO and one is not? (This engineer is a bit tired today and I don't want to mess up the count.) I'm trying to keep an accurate tally. In the meantime, terrific finishes!!!

Originally Posted by sewbizgirl (Post 7440379)
They came from my pile of unfinished tops... tho the I spy was put together on New Year's Day, so it's fairly newish...

sewbizgirl 01-21-2016 10:15 AM

Originally Posted by Janice McC (Post 7440489)
Please clarify for me then Sewbizgirl, one is a UFO and one is not? (This engineer is a bit tired today and I don't want to mess up the count.) I'm trying to keep an accurate tally. In the meantime, terrific finishes!!!

I guess I dont understand how long a project needs to sit dormant to be considered a UFO. A month? Six months? Six years? The I Spy quilt is fairly recent (not touched for 3 weeks) so I guess just count the other one as a UFO. I've had no finishes at all in months due to working constantly on a wool sweater for my son. Finally got that done and off to him, so I can get back to my UFOs and maybe start some new quilts too.

letawellman 01-21-2016 11:04 AM

Well, I've been mostly lurking for the last year or so, because we were in the middle of buying a small farm, then remodeling the house. One of the greatest things is I now have a sewing room big enough that I know just how much fabric, kits, scraps and UFO's I have.
I'm absolutely flabbergasted!
Therefore, I decided that I REALLY need to join this group!!
I'm thinking about also joining the "no buy" (forgot the "official" name for it) challenge as well.

Anyway, I think I have about <gasp> 30 UFO's. Or at least that was before this past weekend. I put bindings on 3 (yes THREE!!) quilts - two lap/crib sized, and one wall hanging.
I made a list of my UFO's, and put a short description beside it, like "binding", "join blocks", "quilt and bind" and so on, so that depending on my mood, I know which one to grab next.
There's one that says "frog the whole darn thing". I'll need to wait until I have plenty of sunshine to see the thread for that one.

Anyway, blow the whistle while I jump on this train, and ring the bell three times. I'll post pics of my finishes when I get home tonight.

Leta in Upstate SC

letawellman 01-21-2016 11:11 AM

AnokaQuilter and Sewbizgirl, I love your finishes!!

It always amazes me how every quilt is different and every quilt is the same.

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