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-   -   2016 UFO Challenge of the Month (https://www.quiltingboard.com/quiltingboard-challenges-contests-f21/2016-ufo-challenge-month-t273926.html)

letawellman 01-21-2016 11:20 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by sewbizgirl (Post 7440679)
I guess I dont understand how long a project needs to sit dormant to be considered a UFO. A month? Six months? Six years? The I Spy quilt is fairly recent (not touched for 3 weeks) so I guess just count the other one as a UFO. I've had no finishes at all in months due to working constantly on a wool sweater for my son. Finally got that done and off to him, so I can get back to my UFOs and maybe start some new quilts too.

Sewbizgirl, I don't know about others, but to me, a UFO is something that I stopped working on to start something else. For example, if I'm working on a Log Cabin, and happily sewing away, then a new magazine comes in and I see a pattern I just HAVE TO DO, and run to the LQS, and run back home, and shove the Log Cabin in a plastic grocery sack (which now also makes it a PIGS - Project In Grocery Sack), and start the new project - well, that Log Cabin PIGS has just become a UFO.
Some of mine are only a week or two old, some of them are... well, let me just say "long overdue for finishing".

Anoka Quilter 01-21-2016 11:48 AM

Letawellman, I wish I only had one project going at a time. I always have a least three or more. They usually consist of 1 large quilt, WH, table runner, and usually something small and misc. Now add my UFO's to that list.

As our fearless leader has said there is no UFO police; however, I do not consider a project a UFO unless it has sat untouched for a year or more. What is really sad is that when I look at my UFO's I have so many that just need the binding. What makes it even worse is that I don't mind doing binding, so why I quit at that point I have no idea.

letawellman 01-21-2016 12:22 PM

Originally Posted by Anoka Quilter (Post 7440759)
Letawellman, I wish I only had one project going at a time. I always have a least three or more. They usually consist of 1 large quilt, WH, table runner, and usually something small and misc. Now add my UFO's to that list.

As our fearless leader has said there is no UFO police; however, I do not consider a project a UFO unless it has sat untouched for a year or more. What is really sad is that when I look at my UFO's I have so many that just need the binding. What makes it even worse is that I don't mind doing binding, so why I quit at that point I have no idea.

Do you machine stitch one side of the binding, then hand-sew the other? If so, why not pull out a couple, and do the machine-stitching part, then take them to your living area so you can stitch and watch TV? Multi-tasking at it's finest!

Binding is the one thing I dislike about quilting. Which is why, when I made my list, I pulled out three that needed that, and decided "I will get these done before I touch ANYTHING else". And I did.

Next on my list is going to be to re-set the blocks in a top - I set them the wrong way, so now I have to finish disconnecting them, then rejoin them correctly. I think I need to get hubby to help me make a design board so I can lay this one out - with my luck, I'll join them the wrong way again!!

I have three flimsies to be quilted, but I want to stay in the "sewing" mindset for right now.

Anoka Quilter 01-21-2016 03:00 PM

Originally Posted by letawellman (Post 7440801)
Do you machine stitch one side of the binding, then hand-sew the other? If so, why not pull out a couple, and do the machine-stitching part, then take them to your living area so you can stitch and watch TV? Multi-tasking at it's finest!

That is what I have been doing and I have another one ready to work on while watching TV and am hoping that will be done before the weekend. It is just a WH so shouldn't take me too long.

Not sure of the exact count, but I think I have 5 or 6 that still need the binding sewn on and then they will be ready for some TV time. However, I have the wrong color thread in my machine at the moment and want to get my King size quilt done so that has really been my focus. It is a UFO from March of 2014.

Janice McC 01-21-2016 05:24 PM

Gee, letawellman, consider yourself a member and the whistle blown three times: toot toot, toot toot and toot toot! Look forward to seeing your pix and welcome!

Originally Posted by letawellman (Post 7440719)

Anyway, I think I have about <gasp> 30 UFO's. Or at least that was before this past weekend. I put bindings on 3 (yes THREE!!) quilts ...Anyway, blow the whistle while I jump on this train, and ring the bell three times. I'll post pics of my finishes when I get home tonight.

Leta in Upstate SC

MadQuilter 01-21-2016 06:08 PM

Originally Posted by sewbizgirl (Post 7440679)
I guess I dont understand how long a project needs to sit dormant to be considered a UFO. A month? Six months? Six years? The I Spy quilt is fairly recent (not touched for 3 weeks) so I guess just count the other one as a UFO. I've had no finishes at all in months due to working constantly on a wool sweater for my son. Finally got that done and off to him, so I can get back to my UFOs and maybe start some new quilts too.

I have a lone star that got started in 199? and I have a whirligig that got started in November 2015. Both count as UFOs because I put them aside to work on something else. I believe there is no set timeframe to classify a UFO.

oksewglad 01-21-2016 07:48 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Okay so here's the UFO from the early 2000's...it's was inspired by a JoMorton article in Miniature Quilts...her's measured 15", mine measures 20" square. All hand quilted and finished.[ATTACH=CONFIG]540775[/ATTACH]

QltrSue 01-22-2016 03:01 AM

Oksewglad: Lovin' the log cabins! One of my favorite color combos, and such a variety of prints for interest. Great job!

Welcome, Leta!

tkhooper 01-22-2016 04:45 AM

I love lists. Yours sounds very, very good, I like the idea of putting down what needs to be done on each one. Welcome to the group and congrats on your finishes.

Macybaby 01-22-2016 05:11 AM

Since I've not been quilting long, I have very few that are more than a year old - except for the ones that I inherited that I've had almost two years now. And other than those, my main goal to finish 2016 with no projects that I started before the end of 2015.

I always have many in progress, but my heart knows when something has become a UFO to me. I think that is the case with all of us, we know what our UFO's are.

Since it's OK to share progress pictures, here is the border I put on the OBW quilt. I will have to peice the backing as this quilt is 115 wide. I do have enough of the original fabric to add a strip at the top. That way I can easily fold it back to show anyone what the fabric looked like before being cut up.


I need to work on finishing the vestments, as they are a UFO that I really need to get done and out the door!

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