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WMUTeach 01-22-2016 07:40 AM

Your January enthusiasm has been inspiring. Well, UFO friends, I will be lurking for longer than I planned. (I am moving next week and the sewing room will be....unorganized for a while.) But beyond that, I fell last Sunday and broke my pelvis in three places. I am leaning how to function with a walker, not try to do too much, can't drive and the medication leaves me fuzzy headed. I will just sit back and enjoy all of your successes and Toot-Toots for finished projects. May be by early spring I can return to some of my projects. I certainly can sit and sew but with the move, who knows where all my project new and old will end up. Not whining, just the facts all. I will be here lurking and loving your finishes. Happy stitching, all!

Anoka Quilter 01-22-2016 07:44 AM

Oksewglad, I love your log cabin wall hanging.

Just think everyone, our UFO's are now becoming pieces we can use and display.

oksewglad 01-22-2016 07:47 AM

Oh ouch, WMUTeach...Oh and how are you going to get things organized for a move? Best of luck in this new curve ball thrown at you..

Thanks Anokaquilter...I just hung the LC atop another quilt for the picture, you can see part of the black edge on the left side...and I think I found a nice place to hang it...

tkhooper 01-23-2016 05:18 AM

blocks done on the star flower UFO now it's on to the pieced sashing. This is a first for me, I have my fingers crossed.

terriamn 01-23-2016 07:26 AM

Oh goodness WMUTeach I feel terrible for you. Did you fall down stairs or something like that to do that much damage to yourself. Hope you have lots of helpers for your move. You really are going to have to take life easy for quite a while

letawellman 01-23-2016 07:42 AM

2 Attachment(s)
OK, ladies. Here's two out of my three finishes... I hope, if I can get this to upload.

letawellman 01-23-2016 07:49 AM

I managed to "un-sew" the blocks that were set wrong, and have started rejoining them. It's red, white, and blue, and a sort of Log Cabin-ish type of block. I've been thinking about loading a flimsy on the longarm... but since I have three to load, I can't decide which one. Probably going to be the one I just want to do simple FMQ. The other two I want to do more detail, like Judi Madsen (greenfairyquilts.com) or Angela Walters (quiltingismytherapy.com). Once I get those done, however, that will be three more no-longer-UFO's... so do we just call those "finished" or can we abbreivate no-longer-UFO's to NL-UFO?

beckyw 01-23-2016 07:51 AM

WMUTeach hope you will be feeling better soon. Great looking quilts.

Janice McC 01-23-2016 07:57 AM

Toot Toot for Oksewglad! Wonderful UFO finish. What's not to love? Log cabin, blue and white, a spot of red and then the cardinal quilt hanger! Congratulations!

Originally Posted by oksewglad (Post 7441218)
Okay so here's the UFO from the early 2000's...it's was inspired by a JoMorton article in Miniature Quilts...her's measured 15", mine measures 20" square. All hand quilted and finished.[ATTACH=CONFIG]540775[/ATTACH]

Janice McC 01-23-2016 07:59 AM

Macybaby, I love your color choices! Very nice.

Originally Posted by Macybaby (Post 7441465)
Since I've not been quilting long, I have very few that are more than a year old - except for the ones that I inherited that I've had almost two years now. And other than those, my main goal to finish 2016 with no projects that I started before the end of 2015.

I always have many in progress, but my heart knows when something has become a UFO to me. I think that is the case with all of us, we know what our UFO's are.

Since it's OK to share progress pictures, here is the border I put on the OBW quilt. I will have to peice the backing as this quilt is 115 wide. I do have enough of the original fabric to add a strip at the top. That way I can easily fold it back to show anyone what the fabric looked like before being cut up.

I need to work on finishing the vestments, as they are a UFO that I really need to get done and out the door!

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