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SandyinZ4 01-23-2016 06:38 PM

WMUTeach...I am sending healing thoughts your way. Plus good wishes for an easy move with lots of help. What a good start everyone has been making and looks like January is going to end on a good note with a lot less UFO's than when the new year started. Congrats to everyone and especially all the new folk who have joined the train ride.

WMUTeach 01-24-2016 02:34 AM

[QUOTE=oksewglad;7441638]Oh ouch, WMUTeach...Oh and how are you going to get things organized for a move? Best of luck in this new curve ball thrown at you..

Last weekend two friends came and we did about 80% of the packing then. Now I know why I was do driven to get it done early. My brother, children and folks from church are helping. When someone brings in a meal they often ask if there is anything I need and I say, "Can you take everything from that cupboard and put it in a box?" So I have been nibbling away at the odds and ends. Tomorrow, Monday, a team from church is coming to finish up the packing. It is a challenge but my brother and his wife are super organizers and have all in hand for the closing on my condo and the physical move. Movers are doing all but my precious stuff, feather weight :o and pictures. I will just sit in my queen chair and direct traffic on the day of the move.

WMUTeach 01-24-2016 02:43 AM

Originally Posted by terriamn (Post 7442666)
Oh goodness WMUTeach I feel terrible for you. Did you fall down stairs or something like that to do that much damage to yourself. Hope you have lots of helpers for your move. You really are going to have to take life easy for quite a while

No stairs involved. I was walking into church, new asphalt parking lot, light cover of snow, and flash I was on the ground. No ice, no fancy stiletto healed boots, not running just down and directly on my hip. Good care from church members who are medical folks and who knew what to do in the emergency. God Bless them all. Many folks helping to make the move happen smoothly. Thank you for asking.

elly66 01-24-2016 06:28 AM

Originally Posted by WMUTeach (Post 7443640)
No stairs involved. I was walking into church, new asphalt parking lot, light cover of snow, and flash I was on the ground. No ice, no fancy stiletto healed boots, not running just down and directly on my hip. Good care from church members who are medical folks and who knew what to do in the emergency. God Bless them all. Many folks helping to make the move happen smoothly. Thank you for asking.

What a blessing to have the help. You'll be in my prayers for a speedy recovery.

oksewglad 01-24-2016 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by oksewglad (Post 7441638)
Oh ouch, WMUTeach...Oh and how are you going to get things organized for a move? Best of luck in this new curve ball thrown at you..

Last weekend two friends came and we did about 80% of the packing then. Now I know why I was do driven to get it done early. My brother, children and folks from church are helping. When someone brings in a meal they often ask if there is anything I need and I say, "Can you take everything from that cupboard and put it in a box?" So I have been nibbling away at the odds and ends. Tomorrow, Monday, a team from church is coming to finish up the packing. It is a challenge but my brother and his wife are super organizers and have all in hand for the closing on my condo and the physical move. Movers are doing all but my precious stuff, feather weight :o and pictures. I will just sit in my queen chair and direct traffic on the day of the move.

What goes around comes around...you must be a very giving person to have such wonderful help in your time of crisis...

MadQuilter 01-24-2016 12:20 PM

WMUteach, hope you heal quickly. Isn't it nice to have a community that steps up in time of need. You are a lucky lady.

rryder, I admire quilters who work in the modern realm. I want to but my creativity leads me more toward a traditional path. Nicely done! As for finishing - we are all in the same boat (hence the thread) and I do believe that we (collectively) are more successful by inspiring each other than if we all muddled along all lonesome.

I told DH yesterday that I HAVE to finish something in January. So off I go to pull out a project that can be managed in a week.

oksewglad 01-24-2016 04:22 PM

Originally Posted by MadQuilter (Post 7444244)
rryder, I admire quilters who work in the modern realm. I want to but my creativity leads me more toward a traditional path. Nicely done! As for finishing - we are all in the same boat (hence the thread) and I do believe that we (collectively) are more successful by inspiring each other than if we all muddled along all lonesome.

I so agree...It's hard to get out of the comfort zone, isn't it? Many traditional designs are symmetrical...I design (think) this way..trying to break out once in a while..not easy..

DonnaPBradshaw 01-24-2016 08:06 PM

I want to join! At one point I counted 50? way too many to keep that many UFO's. I need to give some away to other quilter's who would love to work on my old UFO's. I did finish one and gave it to my daughter for Christmas this year. It was a great feeling to have it out of my house!

Janice McC 01-24-2016 08:24 PM

Welcome Donna, glad you hopped this train! You caught me while I was tallying up this week's finishes. It's quite a job keeping up with this group's UFO finishes. I hope we'll be adding to our count with some of yours. I'm ready, willing, and able to sound the whistle for each and every one of yours too!

Any more lurkers out there? Come on, jump aboard...we're really picking up steam but would welcome more! QUOTE=DonnaPBradshaw;7444645]I want to join! At one point I counted 50? way too many to keep that many UFO's. I need to give some away to other quilter's who would love to work on my old UFO's. I did finish one and gave it to my daughter for Christmas this year. It was a great feeling to have it out of my house![/QUOTE]

Janice McC 01-24-2016 08:55 PM

Good evening, UFO train passengers! (I hesitate saying that since you all are really powering this train...) This engineer is here to heap accolades on the latest group of UFO finishers. Since my last tally post (#289), we've had another 12 BIG FINISHES by phranny, AnokaQuilter, sewbizgirl, letawella, oksewglad and rryder! Congratulations and a big old Toot, Toot to all! For those keeping count, that makes a total of 40 finishes so far for this month. I'm impressed. Keep it up!!!

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